"Hey, it was a phase," he protests.

"Yeah, sure. Die."

"Ouch." He leans back. "Anyways. Do you want to know who actually likes you? I know you want to know that and guys have a fair share of gossip too."

Elliot scoffs. "Harley here isn't a likable person at all. No one likes her. You seen how Hayette's been on her back for the Iris thing since morning?"

"Hayette's a girl, you ass. I'm talking about guys here."

"Isn't that like a violation of the bro code thing you guys have?" I ask him.

"Maybe. But who cares? The person who likes you isn't my friend anyways."

"But still."

"You're friends with literally everyone," Elliot deadpans. But then something in his face changes and his mouth forms an 'o' as he looks at me with a playful smile. "I know it now."

"Don't tell me," I mutter even though I want to know who that person is. I can't even do the math and figure out who Leo doesn't talk to because honestly? I've never noticed that. To me, Leo is irrelevant. Harsh but it's the truth. I sometimes forget that he exists and then the next day, he sits back at Hayette's desk striking up a normal conversation that I'm forced to continue.

"You look like you want to know it."

"Shut up."

"That's her favourite phrase, isn't it?" Leo asks Elliot.

"Damn right it is," he replies.

Just when I'm about to say something, Kal enters the classroom again. Everyone goes silent but no one moves from where they're standing as they look at each of us from a good few moments. Then, they nod. "Last class has been cancelled. I forgot to inform you all earlier. We're going to the auditorium. Come on."

"Now?" someone asks.

"Yes, now. The session starts in five minutes so be quick."

Taking the hint, the students start to walk out of the class, joining the students from the other classes as they all walk together. As usual, Elliot and I are the only ones who are left behind. We blend into the crowd really easily and make our way to the auditorium.

The last time I was here was on the day of the orientation. Just like then, Arlo Liamme stands on the stage with Miss Roma in her signature pink pencil skirt. Here, in this room, everyone begins to scatter around, sitting with their regular group of friends not bothering to care about their houses. There aren't only the first years here - I see literally every student of the Academy and yet the place doesn't seem full at all.

Elliot takes the corner seat and I sit next to him. The seats around us were empty one moment and the next they were not. On my other side sits Summer, grasping my arm almost immediately. Her grip is so strong on my already injured arm that I have to bite down a yelp.

"Harley, oh my god, I didn't see you after Saturday and I got your gift and it's so cool and how do you know what my favourite colour is- you're so cool, dude," she blabbers, her grip growing strong by every word. I glance at her wrist. She's wearing the yellow coloured bracelet I bought for her and I internally smile.


"You're welcome," I say.

"Yeah, yeah, Summer. She knows you're here," a familiar breathy voice says from behind me and I flick my eyes to the person. My eyes meet Nate's for a moment before he leans in closer, putting his hand around Summers and removing it from my arm before he sat back.

Amber EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang