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At two, I reach Athena

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At two, I reach Athena. I'm wearing a red flannel shirt that, as always, is a little loose on me, along with a pair of black jeans. My hair is tied up in a bun and I'm pretty sure I look like a dead person to everyone I've walked past.

Entering the building and finding room two, I hesitate a bit before knocking. A small sound comes from inside the room, followed by Asher's voice asking me to come in. I open the door and enter, my eyes flicking between the two people inside the room. Asher's leaning against a table, his phone on his hand and eyes on me. Nate, on the other hand, is sitting at the end of the room, scrolling through his phone and his feet propped up on the table in front of him.

"Come here," Asher says to me with a blank expression.

"Why?" I ask him.

He throws me an annoyed look and I sigh, walking up to him. He turns the screen of his phone to me, pressing play of the video on screen. I take his phone from him as the video begins. It's a clip of me, spray painting something on a particular wall in black. The wall is similar to the vent wall here, the only difference being that it's from my middle school.

I watch myself paint the words that started the conflict. Personally, I didn't want to watch this video again since I knew that the guilt would hit me right away and it did but all I can do right now, standing in front of Asher is to bury is further.


That's what I write. I remember each and every moment of it, like a memory someone wants to forget but only remembers better than any other.

The video clip ends and I just stand there for a second, frozen, before Asher takes his phone back. He keeps it back on the table and looks at me with his arms folded.

"I got that you spread the rumour about you creating a scandal yourself. I get that you made someone send this video to me. But what I don't get is," he pauses, letting out a sigh, "Why would you dig your own grave by providing people with a damn video clip of yourself?"

"Come on, I thought you were smart," I tease him. "Is this why you called me out here? Because you got a video clip of me? I thought you liked it when you held people's secrets against them. I thought I was just doing you a favour. Come on, appreciate me a little. I had to find an old number for this."

He stares at me and my sick smile at the moment. "You know what could happen if this video clip is leaked and still you decide to take the risk of sending me this. Just what are you playing, Kingsley? And Carly Katz? How do you even know her?"

I smile again, knowing that this question would come from him. "We were in the same middle school."

His composure falters a bit. "You were in the same middle school as Carly Katz, the singer?" he asks me in disbelief and I nod, confirming his statement.

"I was. We were friends. We fell out. I spread a rumour about her. We fought. She left."

Nate laughs from his place but doesn't say anything to that.

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