We all chat for a bit before I go out to meet Finn and the others. I start my motorcycle and slow down a little when I see a familiar brunette leaning on a car, in front of the Parker's house.


I knew she was back but I thought she would've gone by now since her dad's funeral had already gone through.

I hadn't taken her words seriously when Finn told me about their encounter. Guess she really changed but then again looking at her, I can see she really did change.

I bit the metal in my tongue and I saw her turn her head to me when I released the clutch and added a bit of throttle. Riding faster than before now. 

I felt her stare at me all the way as I turned left. If she's here to stay, she's here to fucking pay. Staying in Breckenridge will cost her, her sanity. I'm going to fucking ruin her until she begs me to let go of her.

I'm going to take away everything from her just like she took away something from me. Because of her lies, I couldn't be with my mom in her last moments. My mom couldn't see me because she put me in fucking jail. I had to hear about my mom's last breath through a fucking phone. I couldn't hold her hand and tell her that I loved her.

I never got to say goodbye and she took my chance to say goodbye away from me. 

I hardened my hands around the handles of the motorcycle and heard Finn's motorcycle behind me, making me look at one of the side mirrors. We were on our way to Cloud. Our little place the gang gathers in before a race or a fight. Today was a race day. So it was time to bring out the cars tonight.

I might as well have a little bit of fun before I start with my plans for Celine.

If she's smart enough she'll leave tonight because tomorrow might just be the beginning of dooms day for her. 


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My dad's funeral went by faster than I thought and I was surprised over how it all went by in a blur. Before I could even react my dad was buried and there were people sharing pitying glances around, like me and Miles weren't even there. 

"Did you get the package?" I heard Jackson on the other line and I nodded, forgetting about us speaking through a phone.

"Yeah I did" I answered when realisation came through and I heard him let out a sigh, "Don't you think it's time to at least try to cut it or something since you know you're with Miles and all maybe he can be a reason?" he asked and I hated that I could so fucking clearly hear the hope in his voice.

Jackson came from a family with mafia ties. He was the youngest son of the Perez family, they had a reputation to fill and Jackson had two sides but he only showed me the nice one, even though I had seen him break so many times I never felt scared around him. He was my best friend and he always wanted the best for me and I know that because he proved it to me so many times.

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