5 - Toxic

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"He has actually changed a lot, I'm not going to lie" I heard Willow whisper to Elsie when I walked by Elsie's room and I let out a low chuckle.

"Ryan was always like this, he's hiding under this shell around people but he's got the biggest heart." I heard Elsie tell her and I scoffed. Go ahead sister, spill it all, exaggerate by telling her I still sleep with a teddy bear if you want.

"Sargent told me he abused women before and to be honest Ryan has done some stupid stuff but I forgive him for that. He saved mine and Sargent's life" was the last thing I heard before I heard the bell ring, making me walk back downstairs to open the door.

Sargent Hills was someone I never knew I would save, let alone let in my house or have a single conversation with, without jumping to his throat but here we are. I guess you can say, we all left the past behind us. Not everything but the things involving them at least.

"Tell me you have painkillers because my head is killing me" I heard Sargent say as he pushed the door open and basically ran to the kitchen.

I weirdly looked after him, "Get in! This is your home too now! Remind me to buy some extra pillows for you!" I yelled after him and I heard him drop something.

"Sorry man!"

Tell me he didn't break my favourite coffee cup.

I enter the kitchen and see him swallow two painkillers and take it down with some water.

"Guess the party last night hit you hard" I tell him, leaning onto the kitchen counter and watching him massage his temples.

"Yeah, I had way too much to drink" he tells me and I nod, silence spreading between us like thick clouds.

I feel him stare at me and I look up, "You know. I don't usually do this but that year when I heard the rumours that you had abused women I actually believed it and that's one of the reasons why I disliked you so much. I couldn't understand how you could hit a girl" Sargent spoke and I grit my teeth, tell me about it.

"But then again, no one told me it was a lie." he continued and I nodded, "You're turning softer, Hills" I tell him and he chuckles, "Says you"

Yeah. Maybe to the people I consider family and friends. But there's an entire past and world waiting for me to wreak havoc on them and I have it all planned. If the past stays to haunt me that is. 

"Oh! You're here!" I hear Willow, entering the kitchen with Elsie behind her.

Willow Edwards was Sargent's girlfriend; they have been for a long while now.

"Yeah, I was waiting for you to come downstairs," Sargent tells her and pulls her closer to give her a kiss.

Elsie stands beside me and I lean a little near her ear, "Gossiping about your brother when he's in the house is a ruthless move" I joke and she laughs, "Eavesdropping now are we?" she tells me and I shrug, "You weren't exactly quiet about it" and she laughs again, she looks just like our mother.

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