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While they ate it was awkward and extremely silent. Harry usually carried on the conversation since none of them wanted to annoy their dark lord but he didn't care..
yet it seems this evening was much different.
Harry had chosen to sit beside Rabastan who sat with Rodolphus so he sat on the edge and Tom sat at the front.

Hermione barely touched her food, clearly feeling uncomfortable with the knife cutting tension. She wanted to speak and lighten the mood.. but she was no Harry and what was she going to say? Hermione didn't have the same "lunatic mind set" as the rest of them and especially didn't feel the slightest bit comfortable next to Tom who was radiating off angry KI.

The dirty dishes disappeared once everyone was done and the six automatically stood. They walked out only leaving the other three before a house elf came to show Hermione where she'd be staying for the night.
Harry stood before she disappeared with the house elf and went to walk off but Toms dominating growl stopped him.


He stopped just before opening the door. Tom looked annoyed when that's all he did. He stood and appeared behind Harry in seconds.

"Would you like to explain yourself?" "Explain what? I didn't do anything."

Toms hand almost too calmly laid on the door before Harry felt his breath slipping down his neck.

"You know what I'm talking about, and I know your heat doesn't start for another week."
"Well that's very good Tom, can I go?"

This time his fist met the door and Harry flinched.

"Tell me what the hell is wrong."
Harry clenched the knob and turned around.
"You smirking when she thought you were hot that's what's fucking wrong! And don't tell me it was my idea to do this because my idea was to lie to her! Not for you to feel good someone thought you looked attractive."
"That's what this is about?"

Harry nodded. Tom cupped Harry's cheeks and kissed him.

"Your adorable."
"And your an attention seeker."

Tom grabbed Harry's waist and pulled him closer.

"It's only natural."
"Not when you already have me."

He smirked and grabbed Harry's ass. He pressed his lips lightly on Harry's.

"I do have you.. but you can't get so mad every time. If I did the same thing most of the wizarding population would be dead."
"Than don't treat her differently."
"I can't hurt her."
"Well anything else."
"Yes my darling."

Harry smiled, finally winning.

"You can kiss me now."
"Mm I want more than a kiss."
"Tom~ because you let her stay over we can't do anything~."
"That's why she's staying at Malfoy manor."

Tom apparated them before lifting Harry by his thighs. Their lips connected with Harry's robe falling to the floor before he was laid on the bed.
Tom took his shirt off before taking Harry's fake glasses off.

"You don't need these."
"You should wear them."
"You need to moan and shut up."

Harry giggled as Tom kissed him, ripping his shirt off and throwing it onto the floor. He kissed Harry's cheek going to his jaw line and down his neck.


Harry ran his fingers through Toms hair, already feeling as heat coursed his body.
His slacks slipped to the floor with his underwear before Tom moved him to the pillows.
He separated Harry's legs to get in between and licked Harry's neck.
Harry's back arched with his toes curling.


He bit his lip as Toms fangs sunk into his neck. Heat coursed through Harry's body as his eyes flashed red.
Tom grabbed a hold of Harry's thigh, lifting it to the bed before thrusting powerfully.

"Louder darling, we're all alone."

He grabbed the headboard and began to pound Harry. His head flew back, burying into the pillow with tears building into his red eyes.

"Come on darling. Scream."

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