{39} Homecoming

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the return of a group of people usually on a special occasion to a place formerly frequented or regarded as home

At my Father's house.

"You should've called." Dina says from the stove.

"I told Nate to call." I say looking at him.

"I was busy so I told Jycobi." Nate points across the table.

"I honestly forgot." Jycobi, the not so bright brother says.

"Where's Rage?" Dad walks into the kitchen.

"With Katorah, so you know how that goes." Nate says.

"Call him." Dad says. Jycobi pulls out his phone and calls him.

"Hello." Rage says coming from the front door.

"Dads asking where you at?" Jycobi asks literally looking at Rage.

Rage removes the phone from
his ear. "Are you blind or?"

"Well, what kept you so long?" Jycobi asks loudly. "Did you get attacked by leaches?" He gets up and presses the hickey on Rage's neck.

"Fuck out my face." He gut punches Cobi.

"Stop cursing." Dina says and Rage apologizes.

Raven comes down stairs and sits beside me. I know she's nervous but today she wanted to tell us about Luca's mom.

Dad and Dina start to bring things to the table.

"When you said you wanted to have a dinner, I didn't actually think you meant it." I say a bit awkwardly.

"It was Raven's idea." Dina says sitting down across from Raven. Dad sits at the head of the table.

Everyone begins to eat in silence but I can't help and notice Jycobis leg literally jumping up and down.

"Ugh, I can't do this. It's so weird." Jycobi says

"Yeah, me neither." I agree with him.

"We're like one big dysfunctional family." Rage laughs and Nate joins him. I see a smile creep on my dads face.

"Eww now he's smiling." Nate makes fake gagging noises. They all begin to chatter.

I look to Raven and see her fork dancing around a potato. "You okay?" She nods with a small smile. It looks like she wants to say something else, "What is it?" I ask trying to encourage her.

"I don't want to ruin this with what i'm about to say." She whispers barely enough for me to hear.

"You won't ruin anything, I promise. But if you're not ready to talk about it, you don't have to."

"I'm ready." She says rather quickly. And I nod. Looking over I see dad has his eyes on us already.

"Everything okay?" Dina asks and my brothers stop talking.

Raven nods and takes a breath, "Before I say anything know that i'm not trying to ruin the dinner." They all nod. "Do you all know a lady named, Leila?"

"Yeah, she's Luca's mother." Rage nods slowly. "Why'd you ask that?"

"Well I think she may be the one who sold me to Almanze." She says looking down and whispers how it's so embarrassing.

"Hey." She looks up at Nate. "There's no need for you to be embarrassed, okay?"

"And plus we've known as much." Jycobi says giving her a warm smile, she returns it but it fades away.

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