It's two days before New Year's eve and i'm at my felicità funeral. I try to communicate with some of the family but it's hard. I was supposed to protect her but I couldn't. (happiness)

I walk outside and sit on a bench to clear my mind. I feel someone sit beside me and I huff.

"Do you think this is smart? Being outside in the open with no protection?" Des asks.

"Not right now, Des." I say resting my elbow on my thigh.

"Yes right now, we just had a death in the family. Bruna was murdered." He reminds me of the tragic event, like I don't know.

"I fucking know that!"

"Then why come out here, in the open? Someone could be pointing a scope at our heads right now."

"I just needed to clear my head for a sec. I wasn't thinking straight."

"It's fine brother, everybody's been on edge lately."

"We gotta find her, I gotta find her, cause if I don't, I won't know the reasons behind why she has so much hatred towards my family."

"Once we find her than what?"

"Get answers."


"We kill her."


"Do you really think this'll work?" Ameer asks. "Do you really think she'll show up?"

"Stop asking questions dumbass and just go with the plan." Kian says.

"You good?" Desmond asks right beside me and I nod.

This whole situation was planned out of anger. Desmond found a way to get in contact with her, the only way she said she would me was at a specific rooftop bar. It was reckless of me to try and meet Riley at night. I'm so desperate to find out who she is, that i'm putting my people in danger.

My trail of thoughts are interrupted by something falling on my right. We all look at what fell and where it came from.

I pick up something that looks like a dog collar.

Dash. It reads.

Fuck me.

Aubrei is about to lose her shit.

"Heads up, we got movement heading down stairs." Oliver says into the earpiece.

"Movement already came, did you not see?" Kian asks looking towards the entrance.

"Huh? I've been watching th-" Oliver says before it goes silent.

"Oliver? Oliver?!" Ameer yells.

Someone presses the microphone on Oliver's earpiece. I walk closer to the edge of the rooftop wall, looking to where Oliver is. There's a figure covered in all black standing there, looking right back at us. There's no way they made it to Oliver within a few seconds. There's gotta be more than one person.

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