Adrien could hardly understand what was going on, but one thing was certain—his angel was in trouble because of him. He gritted his teeth and tried to get up. To protect her. To shield his—

Pain ripped through his body.

The world went dark once more.


He was bundled up in something very cozy and warm. The softest of touches on his cheek sent pleasant shivers down his body. He almost forgot about the pain.

"So, that's a deal, right? You wake up and get better, and once you're back on your feet, I'll show you around. We'll have to be careful and maybe sneak out at night, but I promise, it'll be worth it. Just wake up, Adrien. Please."

His Marinette's voice. How could he deny her? It took a herculean effort, but Adrien slightly opened his eyes to once again behold his beautiful angel's face.

Her eyes widened. She gripped at his hand and leaned closer. "Adrien?"

The only thing he could give her was a tiny smile. Why was she crying? He didn't want to upset her.


The next time Adrien woke up, he was able to stay awake for more than a few moments. Marinette gave him a drink and fed him something he'd never tasted before. It was almost as good as seeing her face again.

"Master Fu is on his way." She smiled at him. "He's our best healer. You'll feel better in no time."

"I thought there was no pain in the afterlife."

His beautiful, gorgeous Marinette watched him in confusion, then snickered. "You aren't dead. You're in Atlantis."

He must have misheard. "Atlantis?"

Marinette nodded, brushing hair away from his forehead and placing a wet cloth there. "Yes. Atlantis."

Adrien gaped at her like a fish. "But... no one was ever able to find Atlantis. My father spent most of his life trying. My grandfather and my great-grandfather. All of my ancestors going so far back that no one even remembers when it started."

She giggled, the most precious of sounds. "Well, you succeeded. Congratulations."

It didn't feel like an achievement. He wasn't even interested in finding Atlantis. He was simply following his father's orders when he got on that ship.

"Sadly, you won't remember this after your memories are wiped." Her smile was anything if not apologetic. "But I will never forget you."

He must have misunderstood. "My memory will be wiped? Why?"

"Outsiders aren't allowed here. My father is risking his throne by covering for us, but only because I promised him that once Master Fu heals you, we'll erase your memories and deliver you back on land. Don't worry, though. We won't touch anything from before I found you."

He had so many questions, he wasn't sure which one to ask first.

She must have read them all on his face because the next thing he knew, Marinette was telling him a story Adrien was sure he'd never forget, memory wiped or not.

Ever since it was swallowed by the sea, Atlantis was hidden in a rock cavity deep under the ocean. Marinette was an Atlantean princess. A defective Atlantean princess. One that couldn't use magic because she hadn't met her soulmate and shared a true love's kiss with them. And Marinette had met every single person living in Atlantis.

"Does he have to be Atlantean?" Adrien asked, something stirring in his chest.

She nodded. "That's how magic works here. How it always worked. We aren't exactly regular humans despite looking like them."

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