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It had to be a mirage. Eyes like these simply couldn't exist. The deepest blue he'd ever seen, warm and inviting with a rainbow sparkling inside them. The most precious of jewels. A treasure, really.

Too bad it was nothing but a hallucination.

Adrien closed his eyes and forced a deep inhale. Two days adrift on the ocean on a sloppily made raft; cold, hungry, and in pain. It was a miracle he was still alive. A miracle that wouldn't last much longer. And if a hallucination of this beautiful creature staring at him from the water was the last thing Adrien saw on this earth, he was more than okay with that.

The creature grabbed at the edge of his raft. Adrien slowly turned to look at the intruder.

Beautiful. She was so beautiful.

Not a simple mermaid. A being not of this world. How shameful was it that he couldn't keep his eyes open for longer to marvel at her? With the last of his strength, Adrien rasped. "Are you an angel?"

"My name's Marinette." Her voice was the most soothing melody. "What's yours?"

He couldn't help a smile, her name slipping off his lips in a reverent whisper. Such a fitting name for such a gorgeous creature. "Adrien. You... taking me... home?"

He wasn't sure what was beyond this life, but whatever it was, it surely would be better than a cold house, a missing mother, and an abusive father who, in his crazy quest, didn't hesitate to throw Adrien overboard for daring to doubt the existence of Atlantis and hinting that perhaps, after three fruitless months of searching the waters, it was reasonable enough to go home.

Home he was sent. Thrown on a haltingly-made raft, no water, no food, not even a paddle. Broken legs and an arm... perhaps a few ribs; a parting present for his "pathetic excuse of a son".

Marinette looked at him curiously, nibbling on her lip. "We aren't exactly allowed to bring in outsiders, but... you're too pretty to die. You'll have to stay hidden if you want to come with me."

Too pretty to die? Adrien would've laughed if he had any strength left. He wasn't anything special, nor had he ever cared about that. He just wanted this all to end. The hurt. The pain. His cruel fate. "Anything you want."

Her smile shone brighter than the sun behind her. Adrien closed his eyes for the last time and breathed in. A few more moments and it would all be over. A few more minutes and he'd be at peace. He could feel it coming. A gentle touch to his forehead, brushing away his muddled hair. A soft stroke of fingers against the bruised skin of his cheek. A featherlight kiss of a lover to his lips. A tender embrace of her arms as she carried him away.


Whoever said that heaven was bliss must have never been to the one Marinette took him to. He was still in just as much if not more pain. His thirst was somewhat tolerable, and his stomach didn't feel as empty, but shouldn't those be gone completely in the Great Beyond?

And why on Earth was there arguing in the place of eternal happiness?

"I couldn't just let him die, Papa! Not when I could do something about it!"

His angel's voice. Adrien would've smiled if he could.

"So, you decided to break the law and bring him here?" A deeper, male voice trumpeted through the room. "Marinette, sweetheart, I know you have a kind heart, but rules are there for a reason, and even you cannot break them. Especially you."

"I'll take him back after Master Fu heals him. Papa, please. You said I can have anything I want for my eighteenth birthday. This is what I want. Let me save his life."

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