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"It wasn't your fault, it was mine,
For believing every word you said."

"soo.. Mr. Kim Taehyung do you take kim jiwon as your beloved Life partner for every ups and downs in all tears and smiles, rich and poor" priest said with all confidence and dignity.

But didn't got any response in return and everyone sitting there start gossiping about the royal blood alpha who is having his head hung low first time,
Trying to hide the broken and sad face I guess.The bride just smile nervously and look at everyone and then elbow Taehyung lightly bring him out of his dreams. Dreams of His love. His mate.

Taehyung came out of his thoughts and again hold his poker cold face and look up and answer with his usual cold voice which hold no emotions "I...I do" he cursed himself of shuttering.

Priest and everyone smile and then the priest said again "so today with the power emitted in me I announce you two as husband and wife you both can share rings now" with that Taehyung look at his mom dad for some help but they were happy and telling him to put ring on his wife ring finger.

Taehyung just look down and put ring on her finger and same goes of next luna of purple moon pack Kim Jiwon. They shared rings and everyone clap for them. In that newly married couple one is extremely happy and one is already dead from inside. As priest said,

"It's wonderful now you may kiss your bride, Kim Taehyung" priest said and Taehyung just got shocked. He can't kiss her.

I just belongs to my mate. I...I..can't cheat him.

This words were running in Taehyung head when Jiwon warp her hands around Taehyung neck and brought her face near to him.

Moon goddess help me. Taehyung beg to the only person who is his hope right now, his only hope and moon goddess is with him today.

"THIS WEDDING IS NOT LEGAL, OHH... FUCK IT'S NOT EVEN REAL" a voice echoed in whole big hall and everyone looked at the source of the voice and saw a boy holding a paper in his hand.

"Jungkook..." The only words came out of royal family mouth and all others were gossiping only one name "luna" as everyone was shocked. Their ex luna is standing their with all glory and confident and rage and fire in eyes. But is he really their ex luna?

Taehyung? His eyes glow in glory. Shining in purple seeing his mate after like a month. Taehyung is smiling lightly seeing the love of his life back. Like Taehyung got his life again. Taehyung smile got bigger as they both made eyes contact for few seconds but this eyes contact made his smile fade.

He is not same. Not my jungkook.

This is the only thing running in Taehyung head as he didn't saw same love, innocence and sweetness and light and care in Omega eyes but instead he saw hate, anger and bitterness and darkness and revenge in Omega eyes. Which hold fire right now.

Jungkook chuckle evil-y venom is dripping from his voice he went on the stage near the new wedded couple. And then turn around to face all the people who came in wedding and smile to them which look purely fake and said, "as you all know your alpha Kim Taehyung is already married to me, to Kim jungkook so as per the rules of the pack this marriage is not valid, right Mr Kim" jungkook trun to face Taehyung and asked.

ENEMIES..? | TAEKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now