twenty one (final)

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I woke up to find my face smothered in blonde hair, and it smells like heaven. A smile dances across my face and I think about how the year has gone.

I'm twenty two now, and so is Ross, and we've been back together for quite some time now, but things haven't been that easy, and we've both been through hell trying to save this relationship, starting with Ross, when he fell into depression about one year ago.

Flashback /

"Ross, you need to go to therapy, not just for me, or your family, but for the group of fans that are spread out across the earth, wanting you to be healthy," I told him. It seemed like when someone told him to do something with himself, it made him feel worse, and that just doesn't make sense.

"No," he said flatly, like it wasn't up for discussion, but it was. "This isn't a joke Ross, I'm worried about you," I whispered. I am, Ross is supposed to be a role model for his fans, and now he won't even show his face to the press and is never on social media.

I understand that celeberties will fall into depression, that I get, but with Ross, it's just something nobody ever expected to happen. He's always strong and has a will that could triumph over anything, but it seems like it's gone.

"Why?" he asked. I sighed. "Because I love you," I breathed out, and he sat up, his eyes wide. Yes, I've said this before, but I was young. This time, I mean it, with every last dying piece of my heart. "That's all I needed," he breathed out.

Then, there was the time when Riker tried to break us up by showing me pictures of Ross and some blonde chick, who actually turned out to be Rydel, just photoshopped a little bit, and then Riker had to accept the fact that me and him would have never been together, despite what he tried.

Then, one day on my way to the recording studio, I was hit dead on by a huge truck, and was in the hospital, fighting for my life for about 2 months, in a coma. I had such bad injuries that Ross said he thought I was going to die, but I fought, for him.

And then, believe it or not, Rydel and Ellington were engaged, and I had some major wedding planning to take care of. I was Rydel's maid of honor, and that whole wedding was a little strange, but it fit the occasion, for both of them anyways.

Finally, Ross and I were walking by a beach when he was shot in the chest by a criminal, someone who hated him, I mean that's what you'd think right? Nope, Maia shot him. Her reasoning - If she couldn't have Ross, nobody could.

I know, crazy right? Ross luckily, lived through the shooting, and that's when it happened.

I was so excited. I was going to the hospital to sign the release papers for Ross to leave. He'd been in that stupid hospital for about 3 months. He kept getting sick, and then the doctors would want to test him, and give him more medicine, and they'd always say, "He just needs to stay one more night." Then, one night turned into 2, then that turned into a week, then a week turned into a month, and so on and so forth.

I walked thorugh the front doors of the hospital to see Amanda, one of the nurses that always helped with Ross. She was beautiful, and thankfully married, so there was no flirting going on. She smiled at me, and she was holding the release papers. "I can't wait for him to come come home," I said, reaching out for the papers. "Not so fast," Amanda said, smiling at me. She grabbed my hand and brought me to the cafeteria. There, stood Ross, in the clothes I brought him yesterday, and he had a bouquet of roses - my favourite.

"Laura Marano," he exclaimed, giving me a cup of the cafeteria's roasted coffee. I laughed. When visitiing him, I would go on and on about how for a hospital, their coffee was amazing, and when walking around in the hospital, there would always be a cup of it in my hand.

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