~The Cold Depths~

Start from the beginning

"Interesting... Ah! There it is again!" Lana exclaims and tries following the mer-creature. "Hey, wait! Where are you?!" She calls while driving Blue in all sorts of crazy directions. Around in a circle before dolphin flipping.

"Lana! We need to focus on contacting the others and getting out of here. We can find your mermaid later." Hunk says a little annoyed, only for the princess to eject from her lion. "And, you're out of your lion, great." He sighed.

"I know we need to find the rest of Paladins, but our communications are down, we won't be able to contact them. Maybe this mermaid can help us. I'm pretty sure I saw it over here." Lana reasons with her fellow Paladin.

"Oh no! I am not going out there!" Hunk refuses and the altean sighs.

"Alright then. You can stay here with the lions, all alone, in the dark, in an offline lion. I'll go find the mermaid in the meantime." The princess says. At that moment Hunk ejected from his own lion and swam to Lana, squeezing her in a hug.

"Don't leave me!" He begged, not noticing Lana's little sly smirk.

"Huh... Pidge was right, it worked." She thought. The two paladins separated and start searching for the mer-like creature. They both turned on the light functions on their wrists. Running over a range of rocks they saw something move.

"Over there! Come on!" Lana says and begin following the creature.

"Wow, I can't believe it! We're really chasing a mermaid!" Hunk says, shocked and a little excited. The creature ahead of them seemed to giggle, then swam out of view.

"Wait! We mean you no harm! We just want to talk!" Lana calls out, but the mer-creature was already gone. The two paladins look forward and gasp at what they see. Which could only be described as an underwater city.

"Hello," A voice says from behind them, making the two jump, as much as they could while in water, and turn around to see the mermaid they were pursuing.

"Welcome to my village. Here, all are safe and warm." She greets, warmly. Just then, two other sea creatures appear behind the paladins. Hunk yelps and hides behind Lana, who summons her Bayard at the sight of the armored creatures.

"Please, do not startle our guests." The mermaid from before says. "I am called, Florona. The almighty Queen Luxia, keeper of our land, would love to meet you." She introduces herself then says.

"Huh? How did your queen know we're here?" Lana asks.

"Queen Luxia knows all." Florona simply replies. With that, two new creatures, which look like giant seahorses, appear and the paladins are saddled onto them like horses. They then rides the seahorse-like creatures, following the mers into the village and toward the castle looking structure.

"Lana, I admit this mermaid thing is like a dream come true for me, but can we really trust them?" Hunk asks his royal companion.

"I understand, I want to get back to the others, especially Allura, as much as you do, but we don't have many options here. We're stuck on this planet, and maybe these mer and their queen can help us.

"Besides, it's been a while since I've met another royal and it would be nice to at least meet her." The alien princess soothes and admits, just as they arrive at the castle structure.

"Space travelers, I am Queen Luxia. I welcome you to our village as our honored guests." A regal looking mer greets them, while the paladins climb down from the large seahorse-like creatures, and face the queen.

"Greetings, I am Princess Alaina of planet Altea, and it is a pleasure to meet you your majesty." Lana greets formally, bowing slightly in respect.

"Uh, Ms. Queen, Your Honor, Your Excellence, I'm Hunk. Me and Lana here, we crash-landed on your lovely planet, but we really need to get back in touch with our friends who're out in space. Would you possibly have any wat of doing that?" Hunk greets then asked.

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