"Urgh you bitchy whore" The guest said "Just you wait... I can take you down"

"...Honey senpai. Can I be excused?"

"Where are you going?"

"I will be going... Outside..." Vesper said

"....ok.." Honey said

"Thank you...I will come back later" Vesper walked outside and closed the door

(Time skip)

"Hello" Vesper went up to a classroom which was having their break "I was sent by someone named Aoi Seri. She's in the nurses office so I came to fetch her bag"

Aoi Seri is the name of the guest who was putting the whit powder in the drink

"Oh this is her bag" A guy gave Vesper the bag. He was a bit wary of Vesper but she had something to do so he helped her out

"Thank you. She left her medicine or something here. It was this" Vesper searched the bag and took out a bottle with some white powder inside of it. Then she handed the bag to the guy "Thank you this is it"

"...Was that drugs?" the guy asked "Why does it look like that? It doesn't look like a medicine bottle"

"No no it's aphrodisiac. I think she's having withdrawals" Vesper said

"Hey wait... Really?"

Vesper smiled at the guy "Maybe I'm just joking. This is probably something else. I mean why would someone dare bring something like Aphrodisiac here? But then again she's asking for it"

The people in the classroom started to doubt their classmate

"Aoi Seri. Please come to the principal's office"

"Oh dear. I wonder if I should still go" Vesper said

Kyoya must've found out about what it was and told the principal, and the girl must've either ran away or Kyoya let her be excused for a moment because she wasn't with him

"Argh my head is hurting! What the heck is wrong today!" Aoi then came walking in the classroom. She paused and gasped as Vesper stood there with the white powder and her classmates looked at her

"Oh hey. Here's your medicine that you like to drink" Vesper extended her hand to her so she can take it

"Y-you again!" Aoi lunges at Vesper and Vesper didn't fight back

Vesper let herself get taken down as Aoi was scratching and slapping her, her nails were a bit long so it left a mark

The guy who Vesper was talking to pushed Aoi away and some other guys also came to help "Hey are you ok?

"I'm ok" Vesper stood up on her own as the guys defended her "I'm sorry. She actually didn't ask me to get her medicine because she was in the clinic. I just took it out to show it to you guys after she tried to make Honey senpai drink it then called me a bitchy whore when I stopped her"

"She tried to give it to the host club?!' the guy asked

"It was pretty sneaky too. The execution was lovely but not great" Vesper showed him a picture on another phone. Her other phone was still with Kyoya so this is a second phone "I would have loved to let her do it but my mother told me that I should somewhat not harm nor involve other students that much. I was a bit angry because I got my weapons confiscated so I felt it was unfair if she could stuff like that but I can't"

Everyone already knew that Vesper was already weird but their classmate was something else

(Time skip)

"......You escalated things Vesper" The principal sighed as he talked to Vesper

Aoi Seri is waiting in the lounge because her parents were called

"I know" Vesper said "I did it intentionally. I am doing my best to uphold most of your prison rules and I got so much of my stuff confiscated today so I was a bit angry at her"

"...Vesper this could have been dealt with fairly calmly. It's true that she was at fault too but you didn't have to publicly do that to her" The principal said "There were other people present in the host club. Her situation was already known and even if we try to prevent it there will be some rumors and her stay here in Ouran won't be as pleasant as it was"

"Are you saying I should apologize? I can very much do that" Vesper said

"You're a very polite girl. You say sorry a lot but it doesn't mean anything"

"But at this rate she might just transfer schools or stop coming. Plus the influence of her family is still there anyways. Her real name isn't even Aoi Seri" Vesper said

"You should still-..... Wait what? What do you mean by her real name isn't Aoi Seri?" The principal asked

"That girl has a criminal record. Her family covered up her past and gave her a fake name so she could have a so called normal life. She used to do a lot more drugs than this and she was even in juvenile" Vesper said

".....Are you saying the truth right now or are you just joking? I can't tell" The principal said

Vesper took her phone out "Mother told me that everywhere has some dark secrets. Even in your ugly bright school prison. There will be darkness. I wanted to know what darkness this school has so I started pulling some strings and getting some lovely information"

Vesper pulled up a picture and showed it to the principal. It was Aoi but she was in a different outfit and it looked as if it was a mug shot

"Her real name is Kotoba Seri" Vesper said

"This... Can't be real.." The principal said

"She's not the only darkness in this school. But since she offended me. I'll only tell you on her. I'm actually a bit petty you see" Vesper said

"......You may go" The principal sighed "And don't causes too much trouble. I'll tell Tamaki and the others to watch over you"

"Ok. Sorry to bother you" Vesper took the phone back and walked out of the room to the lobby just outside

"Urgh her" Aoi pointed at Vesper as her parents are next to her

"Sorry for the trouble Kotoba" Vesper said

Aoi and her parents flinched

Aoi's father stood up "How did you-"

"I'm surprised you're here. Weren't you at that hotel?" Vesper asked


"Hey what hotel?" Aoi's mother asked

"Excuse me. The principal is calling you inside"

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