The Empress Meets The Angel

Start from the beginning

Right at that moment, a large Sea King emerged from the water. Its teeth, sharp like diamond knives and it's jaw, wide. However, even with those monstrous features, there was not a single fear behind Irin's hazelnut brown eyes. She only turned her head slightly to observe the Sea King before forming a pillar of water that sent a powerful uppercut towards it.

The Sea King flew midair before landing in the water with a giant splash.

"It's a good thing we got here later than we had planned or we'd have to deal with way more than just one Sea King," Irin said, smiling a gentle smile yet it had a hint of confidence and strength lingering behind it. "The agreement between the government and the Kuja Pirates forbids us from getting any closer than three kilometres from your island. So if we came any earlier we'd have to wait out in these monster-infested waters. Anyway, I came here to get my job over with and to meet a certain someone, in other words, we mean no harm," she continued, her voice authoritative and her tone professional.

The woman who was on board the Kuja Pirates' ship looked at the young Vice Admiral, observing her details, then scanned the sea where the Sea King fell back into, "It seems you are rather skilled, but we are not going to entertain any unwanted guests and the Snake Princess isn't coming out," she said.

Irin only let out a sigh as she muttered to herself, "I knew this wasn't going to be easy..."

"Well then, I apologise on the Government's behalf for intruding, but I'm afraid that both you and I do not have much choice. I'm only here to escort the Pirate Empress to Marineford and it is under strict orders that I bring her at all costs. Resistance would only cause her title as a Warlord to be revoked," the young vice admiral stated, calmly.

The women aboard the Kuja Pirates' ship only continued to refuse, "So sorry, but like I said, the Snake Princess isn't coming out," the same lady said.

"She's sent many replies now!" another woman added.

Irin only frowned as she clenched her fist before releasing them and sighing, "We have received her replies but she shows no intention of following our orders," she spoke, before pulling out a newspaper and tossing it towards the ladies aboard the opposite ship, "This was yesterday morning's newspaper, the date and location has been set for the public execution of..."

The pause only caused the surrounding Marines and Pirates to raise a brow. She took a deep breath and tried her very best to hold back her tears before speaking, "T-The public execution of Portgas D. Ace, 2nd Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates!" she announced, clenching her fists until they began to bleed.

"We've been left with little to no choice, the World Government has issued a strict order, forcing the Seven Warlords of the Sea to assemble. If you refuse, your title will be revoked and the Kuja Pirates will be treated like any other pirates by the Navy," Irin explained, as she forced her professional tone back.

There was a brief silence before footsteps aboard the Kuja Pirates' ship could be heard. Irin narrowed her eyes a little, feeling the presence of someone strong who she deciphered to be Boa Hancock. The door to the room where Boa Hancock was assumed to be opened slowly and in a suspenseful way.

A beautiful woman with long dark hair emerged from the darkness of the room. She was tall, with long and slender legs, and she had an overwhelming presence.

"Who placed a kitten in my path?" she asked, as she sent it flying with a kick to its stomach.

With her actions, Irin immediately frowned as she glared at the Pirate Empress.

The kitten belonged to a woman who was part of the Kuja Pirates and she apologised profusely to Boa Hancock.

The tall and beautiful woman only told the owner of the kitten to be careful of her cat the next time and walked off to face the pinkette.

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