On the second day at the villa, Carlos had brought out my lunch to me. He was an incredible cook to which came as a surprise to me. I appreciated that he and Quinn took the responsibility as I wasn't nearly as good as they were.

"How are you able to be good at so many things? Seems a bit unfair." I joked lightly. Carlos was casual with me and I got the impression that maybe he felt at ease being with me as well.

Carlos chuckled as he set my plate down on the table next to me. "Cooking is actually one of the things I do simply because I enjoy it. I cook for Layla a lot to kill time during the gaps between the times she needs me so I've gotten to practice a lot. But glad to hear you like it." His big grin looked so proud that I smiled in return.

"I do like it. Your food is refreshing and light while still being filling." I returned a soft smile before grabbing one half of the cut sandwich to take a bite.

Carlos laughed. "You sound like a food critic."

I finished my mouthful with a small laugh. "I do really like food."

He looked thoughtful and took a seat at the end of the table. "I feel as though I should explain why there's a threat to you."

My brows furrowed and I set the sandwich down, my appetite subsiding. "Isn't it because I'm close to her?"

"Mostly. The main reason though is that Layla's trying to leave the mafia." His words hit me harder than I expected.

With the news of being in danger was shocking so I couldn't accept it right away. Though for whatever reason, the fact that Layla was leaving the mafia didn't give me any thought to question it. As much as I wanted to ask why she was leaving the mafia, I knew it wasn't exactly Carlos' place to tell me Layla's personal thoughts.

My head nodded and I tried to smile at him. "I appreciate you telling me."

Carlos stood from the chair with a curt nod. "I'm not sure how much she wanted me to tell you but I figured you deserved to know that much."

"Thanks." He nodded again and went back inside.

The sandwich was forgotten as I turned to watch the ocean again. The view stayed pretty much the same but never seemed to bore me. Quinn had made use of the pool after lunch while we talked a bit back and forth. Mostly it was me refusing to join in there or the hot tub. The hot tub was definitely not happening.

Each evening in the villa, we had wine from a different winery to accompany dinner. After we finished our meal I would take a new bottle, my glass and a blanket back out to the patio. Drinking to myself at the ocean was the only way I could go to sleep at night.

The patio door slid open and shut and the quiet tapping of my best friend's footsteps came to sit in the chair next to me. Wrapped in a cardigan, she poured some wine into the glass she had brought.

"The weather here is so nice. Much different than where we went for our girls trip." Quinn started the conversation as I took another sip of wine.

"I like it." My answer was simple and vague but very little could stop her from continuing a conversation.

A giggle left her as I heard her glass set on the table. "How are you feeling? I noticed you're eating less."

My shoulders immediately shrugged. My deeper emotions seemed numbed since I had arrived, not wanting to accept the anxiety, fear or anticipation of what would happen. They all sat in the back of mind yet close enough for me to be unable to ignore them completely. In turn, that close proximity of my emotions made my appetite shrink but my urge to drink grow.

"Just waiting to see what will happen, I guess."

"That doesn't sound good, Bri." Her scolding was gentle but it still made me feel a bit guilty for being such a bummer while we were here. Her finger poked at my arm. "Hey. I didn't say that to make you feel bad. I'm worried about you. You've been more quiet than usual. Staring at the ocean like you're expecting her giant yacht to show up."

When she said it, I realized that's what I had been waiting for. As boats went by, I saw hers for an instant before my eyes adjusted to the reality. I laughed dryly at the realization. "How pathetic."

Quinn topped up my glass. "I don't think it is. You love her, right?"

Without thinking, I nodded my head. "I've never been this upset over a break up."

My best friend agreed next to me. "That's true. I always sort of envied the way you could bounce back from break ups so quickly."

"I think... I never truly loved them or at least knew my feelings for them were sort of surface level." Having a few relationships, they never lasted too long. And yet when I fell for Layla, imagining a future with her was as easy as breathing. Now that we were over made me upset because I did love her on a deeper level.

Quinn hummed quietly with a thought. "That's a good way to look at it. Do you think we'll be able to go home soon? We were told a few days but it's almost been a week now."

My shoulders shrugged before I took a large gulp of wine. "Who knows? Must be a big deal with whoever threatened me if we can't go yet."

The patio door slid open. "Understood." I looked back to see Carlos hanging up on a call.

"Everything okay?" As soon as I asked I regretted it since I didn't want to know the answer.

Carlos gave us a reassuring smile. "We're able to fly back. The only thing is that she's saying to be safe, you should both go stay with family for a night or two. At this point, they've came to an agreement and just waiting for things to settle."

The tension I didn't realize I was holding onto seemed to gently leave my body. I leaned my head on the back of the chair and nodded in understanding before Carlos went back in. In celebration -- as Quinn put it -- we finished the bottle of French wine and headed to bed.

An agreement was good. If Layla was able to leave the mafia, what would that mean for us? Obviously I was hoping that she would contact me and ask for me back. The reality though was that she probably was already looking for a reason to leave since she owned enough dealerships to keep her lavish lifestyle going.

Pushing the negative thoughts from mind, I settled in the bed to sleep. Anxiety began to creep over as I realized I had to go to my parent's house. I silently cursed, I hated going there.

New chapter, prob has the same old stupid little errors lol

Sorry if this chapter isn't the greatest, I don't feel it was needed to write every little thing about staying in France for a week so I fit it all into one chapter lolol

Edit: please admire the new cover, it took me far too long to make it lol

EDITING My Sugar Momma {Lesbian Story}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें