"By the Light of the Moon"

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"So the Mikaelson returns again!" His chuckle leaves me with a smirk as I look up at him.

"Don't say that too loud, you know I like to keep a low profile." I smirk as I slide into the bar stool smiling at Oliver.

"My bad, so, how's the life of Celia..." He slides two full shot glasses handing me one.

"Call me Celia Gilbert for now" I huff, swallowing the first one, swiping his to drink as well. "It's been a long week, give me the whole bottle."

"Tell me..." He goes to the back wall to grab my favorite as I smile when he puts it in front of me. "All about it, it must be bad if your drinking at eleven in the morning"

"Yeah well, I don't even want to talk about it, I just want to get so drunk I forget the last four months, then leave tomorrow morning and run from my brother for the rest of eternity" I smile as my phone begins to ring, I silence his number throwing it in my bag.

"You know what, what if I closed the entire bar for the day and we just got passed out drunk." He smiles at me, let me explain Oscar so you're not left on a cliffhanger.

He was someone I fell for, platonically. Loved him as a best friend and though we had slept together a few times, him owning a bar was to blame since everytime we did so I was heavily intoxicated and left dealing with the morals to my decisions to sober me in the morning. I turned him when I realized how much he loved me for me, though I couldn't say I love him the same, but love isn't always mutual and he's dealt with that.

He'll never stop trying though.

"No." I smile at his request. "I like the atmosphere when everyone is in here, plus maybe that really hot green eyed guy will come trolling back in." I smile, wide eyed.

"Yeah, he hasn't been back since you jumped his bones." He says, putting his arms on the bar counter looking into my eyes, "But I'm always here." He practically growls and I bring my lips an inch away from his.

"In your dreams bar boy." I smile biting his lip while putting my hand to his cheek, slapping him away playfully, he chuckles and I laugh pouring more into the two shot glasses, drinking them both.

After two hours and the world beginning to spin i look at my phone, the amount of notifications leaving me intimidated and overwhelmed. Damon's name begins to flash on my phone and I walk outside to answer it.

"Helloooo" I sing playfully.

"Where the hell are you?" He demands his hard voice making me swallow every ounce of intoxication.

"So, when someone says hi you're supposed to greet them the same." I chuckle looking at the girl who's coming up to me with two shots. "Damon wait a second." I put my phone away from my lips and smile at her.

"Girl, you promised we'd do shots together." I smile at her and nod grabbing one of them, swallowing the substance and handing it back to her, she winks at me and I just smile, telling her I'll be in there soon.

"Okay grumpy, why the bijilion calls?" I slur, looking out at the world in front of me, surprised it's still bright outside.

"Can you just get back to your house please, we need to talk."

"Oh, no." I say simply.

"Are you drunk?"

"Highly, highly intoxicated." I smile.

"Celia, where are you?"

"At a place that sells alcohol." I smile, as if he can see me right now.

"Send me the address, now."

"You're not my mom, bye now." I smile, shutting my phone and walking to the bar door.

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