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" you piece of shit! I told you never to bring that up again." I say as the rain runs down my face from the storm, as I have a fight with my brother, he kept calling so I left the house so a vampire didn't super hear me or something.

"No love, I will bring anything up, because you owe me."he says making my blood boil.

" you had me in a coffin for a hundred damn years Klaus, you owe me, I am doing you this stupid favor because it's the only way you would take that stupid dagger out of my heart and now we're here, so don't bring up father ever again, you hear me?" I say upset he brought memories of father up, I hate that man for what he did to us and I do not speak of him. A tear I did not realize fell gets taken off my face by my hand quickly and I end the call. I'm so tired and weak, no blood for days can do that to a vampire. I hear a footstep behind me and turn around. I see three people with hoods and realize any vampire could be out right now even the tomb vampires, with this weather.

"Hello?" I say as I look at the three new faces. "look I'm not in the mood-"

Everything goes black-


I wake up to a mans screaming, I look up to see the man who was screaming seeing Stefan hanging by his arms. I see a guy sitting also strapped to the chair like me, and then on my right I see the guy from last night staring at me.

"Rise and shine" he says as I look at my dirty body, and then feeling my head throb. Did they seriously drag me? They couldn't have just picked me up?

"Where am I?" I say in a raspy tone .

"Well, I payed you a visit at your guys's home last night, thought it was only fair." He says forcing an eye roll.

"So you kid napped us, a little over the top-" he cuts me off by cutting my arm.

" I fed you some vampire blood so you'd heal fairly quickly, so I can keep hitting the same spot."he says cutting the same spot again, I laugh, I'll heal either way.Dumb ass.

"Oh so kind- "I grit my teeth when he cuts me on the chest this time, I grit my teeth not giving him the pleasure of my screams. Did I mention every time he cuts me it's with a sharpened piece of wood? oh yeah, thought you'd like to know. I haven't had blood in almost over a day so I'm not healing quickly.

"Let her go." Stefan pleads.

"Well, here's the thing, I can tell that Damon really cares for her, I mean the way he looks at her, even an idiot could tell he adores her, I mean I bet he thinks your Katherine every time he looks into your eyes, the curls the-"

"I am nothing like Katherine" I say in matter a fact tone, I am so tired of people saying I look act, and even dress like her, it's getting repetitive at this point.

"Shut" he stabs me in the thigh and then takes the stake back out. "up" as he put's the stake back in leaving it there, letting the pain linger. I look at him with nothing but disgust.

"Any ways I'll let him watch you die and then kill him after he realizes it's his fault." he says proud of himself.

"Usually people don't reveal their plans before they act on them, but then again your'e not that bright" he looks at me this time not stabbing me some where else. I sigh in relief as I hear a knock on the door up stairs, and I sigh in relief again when he leaves.

"You okay?" I ask Stefan which is really a stupid question when you look at him.

"hanging in there, no pun intended." he says still making jokes.

"funny" I say sitting noticing the guy from last night is not coming back down.


Stefan, the guy on the other side of the room, and I are sitting and... hanging in silence. I keep doing anything other than focusing on the pain in my thigh.

"Thank you" Stefan finally breaks the silence "for trying to help me" The guy nods and I hear the door open lifting my head to see "Elena" Stefan says in a weak tone.

"you shouldn't be here" I say in the same weak tone.

"She was supposed to stay in the car" Damon says helping me out by cutting the ropes that are keeping me in this chair, I get up fighting the screams as I forgot the piece of wood lodged in my thigh, easy mistake. I sit back down and take it out, in relief I stand up, Damon trying to help me. "No" I stop him. He looks at me with questioning eyes. "help him, he helped Stefan and I" Damon nods and helps him before coming back to help me up. I basically would have to crawl without Damon, I have no power, which I hate. Klaus would laugh at me right now.

"Take Stefan, I'll take Celia" he says to Elena who nods. They go out the back door while we go up stairs, wait what?


he puts me down, going over to kill the rest of them. I grab his arm Be Careful I mouth he nods.

I sit here listening to him kill the rest as I sit here helpless as I hate doing so.

One vampire spots me and I roll my eyes in annoyance he comes for me but I try my hardest to fight back, when he's about to bite me a guy I don't know shoots me him in the head.

"Alaric" he smiles.

"Celia" I say

"That was the last one, let's get out of here." he comes to help me but Damon speeds over grabbing me.

" I got her" he says, jealous much? Sorry, not the time.

He helps me to the door and there's about 20 vampires outside. I wince at the situation.

"how many of those vervain darts do you have?" Damon questions as I look down at Alaric's weapon.

"One" shit.

"not gonna be enough" Damon says as we enter back in the house.

"The whole dead wife thing, it was a lie wasn't it?"

"Yep" Damon states

"What is going on here!" A woman says behind the door, it opens revealing Anna and who I presume is her mother.

"What did you do?" Anna's mom says.

"Him? Your tomb of vampires spent the whole day torturing his brother and I" I look at her with anger.

"Our plan doesn't work if you don't keep them under control, if I had a good side, you wouldn't be on it" he says as we pass by her.


We walk in to the Gilbert's house, as I limp to my room. I open the door to my room as Damon follows. I sit down and rub my face, and sit on my bed tired.

" I'm sorry" he says touching my arm sitting next to me, I lay my head on his shoulder.

"You have nothing to apologize for, hell you saved me." I say forcing out a small laugh I get up and grab my clothes. "I should um, I should take a shower." I say looking down. he nods and gets comfortable on my bed making me laugh not forcing it this time.


I get out of the shower, looking at myself in the bathroom. "gross" I say looking at none of the healed wounds. I put on my tank top and shorts, having all my wounds especially the wounds I didn't know were there seen. If I needed them to believe I was human, this is definitely the moment.

I walk into my room, seeing Damon on his phone as he looks up at me then looking at my body seeing all my wounds.

"Are you oka-"

"I'm okay" I say putting my towel in the laundry bin, I threw my clothes away since they were beyond fixing.

I lay down smiling remembering what he said the night I stayed in his bed. "I just need a friend right now"

"I'm here, always" he says I lay on his chest closing my eyes falling into a slumber almost instantly.

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