Part Seven -

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"Millie you have Luke scheduled in for today, want me take and you can get home early?" The older man asked the younger girl
"No, I'll take it I know his problem area" she mumbled
"You are his problem area" Craig laughed while the girl looked over at him "I heard him and Scott talking, don't worry I found the whole thing funny - have you really ignored him?" She nodded
"I mean Craig it was the first week in the job, what was I meant to do?" Craig laughed "mil, I met my wife due to Manchester United she works in the IT, they support it, they love it. Getting to post all about peoples love lives on the web, they live for the dramas" Millie laughed at the old man "look I'm gonna head over the IT have a coffee with the wife, talk to him yeah? Might have only known each other a week but that means nothing when it comes to love young Mil" he smiled and waved her goodbye as Luke entered the room "I'll bring you back an iced coffee" shutting the door and leave the left back and the physio alone.
The awkwardness could be cut with a knife, not one of them spoke a word, Millie found herself patting the table for him to sit on.
"Still the calf issue" she mumbled
"Yeah" he barely even said the word so it was faint on her ears
"Millie, before you start" she stopped and looked at him. "Go on a date with me?" He watched her bite her lip, thinking back to what Craig said before he left.
"Luke" he stopped her before she could even get the sentence out "like Millie I like you, yes we had sex, yes we haven't done things the right away, but that drunk sex doesn't stop the way I'm feeling about you, so just think before you say anything" he smiled "if you had let me finish in the first place you idiot I was going say yes anyway" he smiled "can we talk details while you sort my calf please it's been sore since Monday morning" he winked and she rolled her eyes and slapped the back of his head earning a laugh from the blonde.

The Physio - Luke Shaw Where stories live. Discover now