Part Sixteen-

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After a very late night, we didn't wake up until gone midday or I didn't wake up until gone midday, turning over Luke was no longer there, I frowned noticing my house was silent, until I heard the front door.
"Come on lazy butt, get up, get dressed, our first lot of Christmas activities are waiting" handing me a coffee from Starbucks "gingerbread latte for my girl" I smiled
Taking the off him "what are we doing?" I asked noticing that he had already lay out a warm jumper and leggings at the foot of the bed "markets today, bents tomorrow, Christmas shopping the day after" "and when do you plan on seeing your family this week?" "Baby they don't expect me this week, they saw me not to long ago at the World Cup" "I just feel bad keeping you here" "well don't, I've got this whole week planned out for us, so come on, get up let's go"
I smiled taking a sip of my coffee, smiling at the taste of Christmas that hit my mouth.

Walking out the house the cold hit my face, even with the layers I had on, feeling Luke grab my hand leading over to the car

The markets were busy as expected, it was two weeks before Christmas and everyone was out and about.
"They really do feel magical" I smiled "it's the first time I've ever done them" Luke spoke, I turned my head in confusion "well I'm not normally off for the week, but because of the World Cup I am" I nodded "footballer life aye" he nodded in response to my answer, we spent the afternoon walking around all the stalls and just enjoying each others company, before making our way home back to the warmth and Christmas movies.

The Physio - Luke Shaw Where stories live. Discover now