Part Ten -

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Millie found herself in her bathroom, it was late afternoon and they had finally left the bedroom, Millie hearing her phone ring, quickly running out greeted by a topless Luke, she picked her phone and quickly disappeared back to the bathroom, answering it hearing the voice of her best friend
"So how was the date?" Millie smirked, which her friend could see due to the FaceTime phone call
"He's still there isn't he? Fucking get it girl" she laughed at her best friend
"Kadie, girls night is definitely needed VERY soon" the girls laughed as Millie finished off washing her face
"Tell ya, you both need to learn to keep it in your pants, next thing you know you will be locking the physio door" the comment making Millie roll her eyes
"Anyway girl, I'll leave you to you fun but I want Scott's number okay? So let Luke know" she laughed and hung up.

Entering her bedroom again, to a now fully clothed Luke.
"I like her idea of locking the door at work" he winked, earning the pack of face wipes that were in her hand ti he thrown at him
"I'm just saying I heard it's good for the health" she laughed at the boy sat on her bed waiting for her to finish getting ready so they could pop out to Asda then back to his movies, before having to be back work again the day after.

Luke was like annoying child at Asda, throwing things in the trolley they didn't actually need for the movie night they planned on having, but him claiming we did. When we was going to find use to half the things he put in the trolley I have no idea, the women on the till was the sweetest old women ever. Telling Luke he should marry me before someone else comes and steals me away which he replied to the lady I plan on it, making her smile and me shocked at what I heard from his lips, paying and leading us away for our movie night.

The Physio - Luke Shaw Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat