Part Fifteen-

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Curling up on the sofa waiting for Luke to arrive back in the UK and make his way back to Manchester, since they were all arriving back in London first then making their way back to their respective homes, I lit some candles, got cozy under my blanket and turned to Netflix, scrolling before simply settling on watching The Vampire Diaries again, before Netflix decides to take it off the platform again, taking a Snapchat and sending it to Luke knowing that if he sees it he will shake his head as since we have been together this is the second time of me rewatching it.

Around ten episodes in, there's a tiny little knock on the door, smiling to myself before pulling myself up off the sofa I knew exactly who it was going to be and I wasn't wrong, there he stood in his tracksuit from the plane and a bunch of flowers, a smile hiding his tired eyes.

"These are for you" I took the flowers off him placing them on the stairs, wrapping my arms around him
"I've missed you" I mumbled into the hoodie. "I missed you too, but let's go inside it's freezing" feeling him lift me up and carry me back over the door frame.
"Do you want to go straight to bed?" I asked letting go of the hug "trying to get my pants of me already?" I shook my head at his joke "no you idiot, I'm guessing you are tired" he smiled pulling me back into the hug "I just want to hold you for a bit longer"

The Physio - Luke Shaw Where stories live. Discover now