"I know, Ron, but if they've already begun there then it's only a matter of time before they attack here, too."

"We'll figure it out, Hermione," Harry said. I turned to him.

"Take my hand."

If he was hesitant, it didn't show as he took my hand without another word. I took out my wand, casting a glance at Ron and Hermione.

"Call McGonagall. Tell her we've gone to the forbidden forest. Send a Patronus to Mrs. Weasley letting her know that she won't be getting Scorpius."

I closed my eyes. Breathe. Focus. Tall, winding trees, no clear path. Acromantulas. Centaurs. The forbidden forest. I shivered.


Harry and I landed with a stumble. I stood with an exhale, brushing off my trousers and looking up. The night was always darker in here, even with the glow of pixies and other bugs that lurked in the shadows. Harry lifted himself with a grunt. I snapped my head over to him. His shirt was on backward. Oh well.

"I thought apparating with the Dark Mark brought you to Voldemort's- or, er, the caster's side."

"No, I mean, yes... but without a Voldemort, they shouldn't be able to only summon one person."

"Well, I don't see anybody here."

"Well spotted," I chided. "Sorry. Anyway," I shifted the topic. "Maybe they ran."

"Wouldn't that make things harder on them?"

I clicked my tongue, still taking in my surroundings. "Not particularly. We don't know what they want." I held my wand out in front of me. "Revelio." Just then dozens of birds and other creatures scurried from the trees with squawks and wails. No human was revealed. Harry's back pressed itself against mine, and I felt his neck crane towards me. He whispered.

"Don't make any sudden sounds. They're here."

"How do you know?" I was sure to keep my volume quiet.

"I can feel my scar. It's hurting." I bit down any physical show of surprise. Keeping vigilance, I couldn't find anything around us. All I could hear was my heart hammering in my chest.

"How far does somebody need to be for the scar to hurt?"

"Not far. Lumos."

I followed his actions. Unfortunately, it did nothing to help the dense darkness of the forest.

"Hold my hand. Keep my back covered." Our fingers intertwined. With every step forward Harry took, I took one backward, keeping our backs touching, looking around for any sign of life. Please let Scorpius be safe.

In one fell swoop came the ghostly hiss of dementors began surrounding us. In an instant, Harry and I drew our wands and cast our Patronuses. I watched as my raven flew with Harry's stag, chasing away the dementors, in awe by the sight.

"On my signal, I need you to hold your wand to the sky and yell 'periculum'. Okay?" I nodded.

"Let's start looking for them." We began forward, taking cautious, tentative steps. My eyes widened.

"Harry," I searched for his hand in mine, my breath hitching. I held my wand up in front of me in the distance. "Do you see that?"

Four figures were standing in the distance. Three of them were tall, and one was not quite there yet. Scorpius. In the dense fog, I couldn't identify any faces. I gripped Harry's hand tighter.

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