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I took a deep breath as I was on my way outside to Chris. I thought it would have been nice to meet Chris before Jackson could have been so different. I was brought back to reality once the cool breeze hit my face. I saw Chris standing, waiting patiently for me. I was met with a warm smile, so I gave him one back.

Chris- So ready to go?
Celina- Yes, thank you so much for walking me home. I feel safer now that I have my police escort
Chris- *giving me a shy smile* Well, I'm glad my car is right here so...
Celina- Oh umm...

How do I tell him that I don't do cars? I haven't been a car since Jackson always brings me back to the first night the abuse started. I walked everywhere, and I made sure everything was always close to my apartment, so I just never needed to be in a car. Chris saw my hesitation all over my face, and he saw how physically uncomfortable I got.

Chris- Celina? Are you okay?
Celina-Hm? Um, yes, I'm okay, but would it be okay if we walked? My apartment is only two blocks away
Chris - Yeah, sure, whatever you're comfortable with

I gave him a nod and then headed home. I was pretty quiet between us the first couple of minutes. I had a feeling he wanted to know about the car thing. I guess he thought you would be too glad to be off your feet after working the dinner and being on your feet all day. But he didn't push. I was grateful that there are things I still don't talk to him about, and Chris never brings up that night. He treats me like a friend, not someone who might break any second. We both shared a shy glance at each other, making us both laugh "come on, it has never been awkward between us." I said, thinking to myself

Celina- So Chris? How was work today? Did you and Sebastian catch any bad guys today?
Chris- Ha! No, not today. I was off tonight, but hey, maybe tomorrow.
Celina- and you came to the diner  on your you day off to take little old me home awe how sweet of you 
*I said with a giggle and him laughing along with me. His laugh is just adorable*
Man, my days off, I never leave my apartment; I sit home and catch up on my shows.

I mentally smack myself in the face. I know I don't have a life, but he doesn't have to know that come on, Celina, get it together. Chris is just looking at me with that sexy smile. I slowly start to feel the heat rise to my face. I look away. Hopefully, he didn't catch me blushing. Which he did proud of himself, seeing the effect he has on me.

Chris- oh, I don't mind. I'm always happy to see you
*I swear I probably look like a dam tomato right now, girl. Relax. He is just a nice guy. You and he are just friends*
Celina- Well, thank you again. Um, did you have dinner already? I'm only asking because I didn't, and once I get home, I am making spaghetti and meatballs. So what I'm trying to say is that I make way too much, and you're walking me home, so you probably are hungry even though it's not a far walk, but I bet you're hungry.
Chris - you know what? Yes, I would love that very much. I'm starving
Celina- well okay then good umm well, let's head up then

We headed to my apartment, which, to be honest, I was somewhat worried about this. I haven't had anyone in my apartment; I would always want to Invite Hope after meetings and when she was off, but I couldn't, and she didn't seem to mind. She said, " I understand you want to have your safe space after everything that happened, and you are just not ready to share that with anyone yet" so deep down, I didn't understand why I wanted to invite Chris. We made it to the top floor. I loved my apartment. It had such an excellent very of the neighborhood I could never get enough.
Celina- Well, here it is, my humble abode *I said with a nervous laugh*

Chris walked in, smiling at me. I could tell he was nervous to hell; we had never been alone together before. It was always at the diner. Someone was always around

Chris- A nice place you got here very cozy.
Celina- thanks. I tried to make it as cozy as possible also wanted to make it a nice place to escape to after a crazy day... Umm, please make yourself at home. Would you like something to drink? I have beers, wine, juice, water also soda. * finally taking a breath looking at Chris waiting for an answer *
Chris- beer would be nice. Thank you.
Celina - okay, then I will be right back

Once I get in the kitchen, I take a deep breath. This is going to be the first time I am alone with a guy since everything happened man hope everything turns out ok and let pray I don't burn any of the food that we be so embarrassing

* okay Ik it's short but next Chapter will be about dinner getting to know each other better and also have a POV of Chris so yeah hope you guys like this chapter do you guys next time

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