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It was him? I was in shock not that I was scared or anything I was just nervous and I don't know why? But maybe it was because I thought that I would never see him again. Especially since l did not need to testify in court. I was beyond grateful for that. The DA had enough evidence that they didn't need me in court it was a very quick open and close case, the judge charged Jackson with first-degree domestic violence and aggravated assault sentenced up to 20 years in prison without the possibility of parole.

When I heard about Jackson's sentencing I was able to breathe again felt like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders, and I'm still stuffing from PTSD and nightmares also panic attacks they were only getting worse up till the trial. But when I heard about how long he was going to be locked up for I was finally able to sleep that night and the following months to come. I started to feel like my old self again before him and I was finally starting to be happy again.

So seeing officer Evans I thought to myself that this was my chance to say how grateful I was. I didn't know if he would remember me but we'll see.

Celina- Officer Evans!? Omg, I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention!
Officer Evans- Oh, I wasn't either I'm sorry but do I know you?
Celina- Yes, I'm Celina Gonzalez you and your partner saved my life for my abusive ex-boyfriend  2 year's ago
Officer Evans- of course, Miss. Gonzalez, how have you been?
Celina- Oh please call me Celina and I have been doing very well I'm getting the help I need
Officer Evans- Okay then you can call me Chris and very glad to hear that!
Celina-  Yeah and I never really get to say it that night but I wanted to thank you for saving me that if you and your partner didn't show up when you did it there would have been a very different outcome so thank you so much!
Chris - Oh no you don't have to thank me I'm glad we got there in time as well cause I have seen the same cases like that and even worse the outcome was just... Let's just say it makes sleeping a little bit harder
Celina- Yeah, I completely understand it took me after he got sentenced that I was able to sleep I still have some of those bad nights but not as bad as they were before

Just when he was about to speak he got a call over his radio. He apologized " Sorry I have to go" "No worries stay safe Chris hopefully I'll see you around sometime"
I said as he was walking towards his car he turned to me when he opened his door " yeah I would like that" with a smile and waving goodbye. Man, that smile was such a sweet smile it brought me comfort again just like it did that night.

After Chris left l went to go grab my order from Mia medium pizza with extra EXTRA cheese. Mia greeted me with a smile as always she works here with her mom and dad also her husband Eddie. Her parents were a way to see their family in Italy. So it was just Mia and Eddie running the pizzeria and they enjoyed it very much cause it was going to be there's one day so they liked the practice of running things
"Hey! Mia and Eddie how is business going" " Same as the last time you asked last week," she said with a giggle " So... I saw you talking to Chris how do you know him," Eddie asked I didn't know how to answer him I still never spoke about what happened to me outside of the group or Hope for that matter I just wasn't ready. " Ummm...yeah I met him awhile go at the grocery store yeah he helped me grab something off of the top shelf"  another lie I just hope they don't bring it up to him Mia brings me out of my thoughts  " Well he is single you should ask him out" I yelled "NO" confused about my reaction they looked at me concern on their faces "No"
I said in my normal tuned voice "it's just I got out of a bad relationship and I'm not looking to date or talk to anyone anytime soon" they dropped the topic I think they sensed how nervous I got.
I paid for my pizza and told them I'll see them next week once I got home I took a quick nice hot shower once I was all clean and felt refreshed I poured myself a glass of wine and sat in front of the tv watching my favorite show on Netflix " New Girl" always made die of laughter when I finished my pizza and my glass of wine I cleaned up my mess and watched two more episodes before getting ready for bed once my head hit the pillow I fell asleep right away I didn't realize how tired I was this week wasn't too bad it just felt like it was never going to end thank goddess I was off this weekend so I get to rest.


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