"We're playing a game. First team to score 5 goals wins, and the loser has to pack up the equipment," he informed her, "You're on a team with Jessie and Lin."

Genevieve scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes. "'Course I knew that," she said, grinning as he rolled his own hazel eyes straight back and flew to his own team. Setting into action, Gen made her way over to her own team, a wide grin on her face. "Hello winning team."

"We're not going to win. They have four players and we have three," Lin sulked.

"Nonsense!" Genevieve gasped.

"Do you not have faith in Gen and I?" Jessie asked, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms. It was clear he was joking, but Lin assumed differently.

The younger boy looked like a deer caught in headlights, sputtering and stumbling over his words. "I didn't mean it like that," he started, "I just think that they have a very big advantage with having more players."

Genevieve shook her head. "Not at all. You're more agile than the rest of us on your broom and you're the most careful. That gives you an advantage," she explained, helping to gain his confidence back.

"You think?"

"I certainly hope she thinks," Jessie jested, smirking to himself at his own joke. "It would be a bit shit if we had a gormless git on our team." Genevieve attempted to nudge the seventh year harshly in his side, but he swiftly dodged it, his smirk advancing into a taunting grin.

"Yes, Lin, I think," she shot a glare at Jessie, "that we will be fine. Besides, you have me, the most amazing person ever, and Mr. Six Pack over here. We'll be fine."

And so the Gryffindor team played a match against each other, avoiding attacks and throwing the Quaffle at between each other in hopes of being able to score. Lin's confidence had returned, and although him and Imogen had become the closest of friends, he acted as if he had never known her while playing. Sirius, on the other hand, had been scolded multiple times for chatting absentmindedly with a certain teammate by James.

Apparently, Sirius had taking quite the liking to Marcus Cruz.

Jessie, Genevieve and Lin had ended up losing. If it wasn't for Gen losing her grip on her broom, dangling midair and holding on by one hand, Lin insisted they would have won. Jessie had left his spot defending the goal in order to swoop in and help pull the girl back up to the safety of her broom, and in the process of doing that, James had managed to score the fifth and final goal.

And so that left the losing team to pack up while the others retreated to the changing rooms. Genevieve watched enviously as Sirius, James, Imogen and Marcus walked themselves back into the warmth, but she wasn't the only one. Jessie and Lin's expressions matched hers perfectly.

"Go," she said with a sigh to them both, "I'm feeling nice today. I'll pack up."

"Are you sure?" Lin asked. "I wouldn't want you to—"

"Keep your fingers while you still can, Lin. It's bloody freezing out here, I'll only be two minutes. Hurry off inside before I change my mind."

Lin looked at her hesitantly, but after a moment he started towards the changing rooms, chasing after Imogen in hopes she would want to grab a snack in the kitchens with him. Jessie, however, stayed right beside Genevieve's side. She sighed.

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