Chapter 20

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Step In Dangerous Love Chapter 20: You go back to the old house right away

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You go back to the old house right away

Shaking his head, Tang Anran forced this strange emotion out of his heart.

As soon as his emotions calmed down, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, and his right wrist was grabbed immediately.

She turned her head in astonishment, just to meet Gu Wuhao's deep gaze, and she was taken aback.

Although Gu Wuzheng still held a cold face, he was secretly relieved.

When he saw Tang Anran running out just now, he thought she would still be very sad, but he didn't expect to lose her emotions so quickly.

"Cough." Gu Wuhao coughed lightly and let go of her hand.

In fact, he didn't know what was wrong with him. It seemed that from the first sight of Tang Anran today, he became a little strange.

Although it didn't have much influence, Gu Wuhao didn't like the feeling of being out of control.

Tang Anran didn't notice Gu Wuhao's strangeness, and smiled at him with the corners of his mouth raised as before, and thanked you gratefully: "Thank you for what happened just now."

She could feel that Gu Wuhao’s human heart was not bad, but because he had a bad relationship with Xu Anran, she treated her like that before.


After thinking about this, Tang Anran no longer resisted him as much as before.

"I have something to deal with, you continue to walk around." Gu Wuhao nodded at her, and after leaving these words coldly, he turned and left.

Tang Anran stood there and looked at Gu Wuhao's back in a daze, watching him drift away until he completely disappeared from sight, then he withdrew his gaze.

And the emotions that had just calmed down seemed to start to become restless again.

Tang Anran didn't know what Gu Wuzheng was dealing with when he came back, and after walking with Xu Xiaorong in the mall for a while, he returned home.

Gu Wuhao didn't show up for the next two days. Tang Anran thought he was back in the army, so he didn't care.

To her surprise, the two sisters Gu Wenjing and Gu Wenya, who had always hated her before, suddenly took the initiative to find her.

When the two sisters walked into the villa and saw Tang Anran, they didn't even say hello, and they said directly: "Grandpa wants to see you now, and I will go back to the old house immediately."

"Go now?" Tang Anran repeated with some surprise.

"Just now, don't let Grandpa wait for a long time." Gu Wen nodded quietly, and responded impatiently.

Although Tang Anran didn’t know why Mr. Gu wanted to see her suddenly, since Mr. Gu had spoken, she couldn’t stop going. So Tang Anran simply cleaned up and took Xu Xiaorong into the car bound for Gu’s old house. .

Where Tang Anran hadn't noticed, Gu Wenjing and Gu Wenya exchanged glances, and the corners of their mouths simultaneously raised a sneer.

After driving for more than 20 minutes, the car steadily stopped at the door of Gu's old house. The difference is that this time, there were many luxury cars parked at the door of Gu's old house. In ten years, the parking spaces on both sides were full.

Gu's family, are there guests?

As soon as Tang Anran got out of the car, the two sisters Gu Wenjing and Gu Wenya grabbed her wrists right and left, and forcibly pulled her into the old house of Gu's house.

As soon as I walked into the door, I saw a lively living room.

Mr. Gu, dressed in a red Tang suit, sat on the sofa and chatted cheerfully with people around him, while others held up their wine glasses and walked around and talked.

A banquet is actually being held here!

Before Tang Anran recovered, the eyes of the guests all fell on her.

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