Chapter 8

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Step In Dangerous Love Chapter 8: Stop talking nonsense and sign immediately

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Stop talking nonsense and sign immediately

"Grandpa disagrees." Gu Wuhao said, turning his head to look at Tang Anran, but his gaze fell on her chest.

Because Tang Anran had just finished taking a shower, only a bath towel was wrapped around Tang Anran's body, which could only cover some important parts, but his fair skin fell into his eyes.

But it was only a moment, and soon Gu Wuhao looked away, and hurriedly shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, sign immediately!"

Tang Anran knew that Gu Wuzheng was very filial to Mr. Gu, so if Mr. Gu did not agree to the divorce, then he had no choice but to not divorce.

But she wants a divorce!

If she doesn't divorce Gu Wuhao, it will be very troublesome if she wants to leave in the future, and his character is uncertain, and it is really dangerous to follow him.

Thinking that I almost died in the hands of Gu Wuhao twice today, I became more determined to divorce him.

"Since Grandpa doesn't agree, then I'll talk to Grandpa." After saying this, Tang Anran stood up, holding the bath towel tightly with one hand, and took the clothes next to the bed with the other to go to the bathroom to change .

But before she had time to reach the bathroom door, Gu Wuhao's tall body directly blocked her way.

"Go back and sign!" Gu Wuhao said with a calm face, coldly.

Tang Anran was just wrapped in a bath towel, and when he was so close at once, she took two steps back uncomfortably.

"Don't you want to divorce me too?" Tang Anran gave a light cough and looked up at Gu Wuhao: "Maybe I convinced Grandpa that he would agree to our divorce, so you should leave now. I want to Going to change clothes."

Gu Wuzheng's height is nearly 1.9 meters, while Xu Anran's height is similar to that of Tang Anran before, and it is estimated to be only about 1.6 meters.

Although 1.68 meters is not too short, in front of Gu Wuhao, the gap of 22 centimeters is still very large, especially when he looks up at him, his neck is really sore.

I thought that Tang Anran thought that after he had said this, Gu Wuhao would give way, but he didn't expect that he would grab her wrist and refused her proposal without hesitation: "No need!"

After speaking these three words in a deep voice, Gu Wuhao grabbed Tang Anran by the wrist and wanted to drag her back to the coffee table.

He was already strong, but now she is still holding the injured one

Tang Anran's brows frowned because of the pain in his wrist.

"Gu Wuhao, let me go!" Tang Anran struggled to pull his wrist out of his hand, but he was holding it so tightly that she couldn't pull it out at all.

And in such a struggle, the only bath towel on her body that could avoid her body instantly slipped to the ground...

The bath towel slipped down, and Tang Anran and Gu Wuhao's movements stopped at the same time.

The time seemed to have paused, and both of them were stunned, but Tang Anran quickly recovered.

"Ah!" Tang Anran screamed, and hurriedly picked up the bath towel on the ground and wanted to surround it again, but Gu Wuzhuo still grabbed her wrist, and she could not complete this action with only one hand.

"You still don't let go!" Tang Anran blushed and shouted at him.

Gu Wuzheng was yelled at by her and finally recovered and let go of her wrist.

Tang Anran was about to enter the bathroom holding a bath towel, but suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, which seemed to be coming here.

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