Frayed Yarn and Two Idiots

Start from the beginning

"She won't do that. I'd be willing to bet my entire career and savings that she damn well feels the same." Looking back at Maeve, she was looking at me this time. A shy wave was all she gave me before Charlotte pulled her attention back to whatever they were talking about.

"I really hope so."

I watched her for another moment before an idea came to mind.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I turned to Max suddenly.

"I need to do shopping. Jon will come with me since I'm not supposed to be going anywhere alone but I can be done early. Why?"

"Why don't you ask Maeve to go instead. Keep her out of my apartment. I know what I'm going to do."

Max agreed immediately and we joined the girls while Pierre and Charles were off doing stunts on the boat. They had been discussing their studies together. Of course the women of Formula 1 were our better halves in education. They were talking about the amount of work expected from their different post secondary education commitments. It was interesting to hear just how much work went into the other programs. When Charles and Pierre joined us, they were able to give more context on the education they received growing up. People like Michael, Maeve, and me didn't grow up in the center of culture like Max, Pierre, Charles, or the other girls. It was very eye opening to see just how much their parents pushed them to learn about different aspects of the world.

It's not that our parents didn't want to educate us on those things. They certainly did, at least I can speak for Michael and I since we grew up together. There is just something different about being in the place where history has happened to learn from it. The best we could do was a few pictures in a textbook. The best the others could do were field trips to see it physically. The lessons were the same, but they were much more in depth when you could teach from the actual places these things happened. Maeve couldn't help but look at Charlotte in awe as she described her first visit to the Eiffel tower in school. They took week-long trips to places like Rome and Berlin as they grew older, prompting core memories laced with a deep understanding of the world before them. It was something Maeve loved and had always wished to experience and suddenly I found myself wanting to experience them too.

Our conversation cut off when Max and Charles went to cook dinner. The sun was already setting and they had brought food to grill. Charlotte joined them to be with Charles while Pierre and Kate went to sit on the water platform to watch the sunset together. It left Michael, Maeve, and I alone on the wrap around couch on the upper deck.

"How French of him to be that romantic..." Maeve rolled her eyes as she sipped at one of many glasses of wine she's had during the day.

"Like you've never done that with someone you were dating." Michael laughed as he sipped from his beer.

"Never. Then again, I don't think I'll ever be in love with someone the way those two are." She tipped her glass to the couple currently embracing each other on the end of the boat.

"I doubt it. You just need to find the right person." The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

"Like you're one to talk. Unless you have a secret girlfriend that I don't know about?" She smirked at me, thinking she had the edge as she sipped her drink. Only she didn't.

"Well I actually have my eye on someone if you must know." I snootily replied before sipping my own wine.

"Oh yeah? Let me guess," she looked up in fake thought, moving her sunglasses to the top of her head," Megan Fox?" Michael and I laughed.

"An actual person I've been talking to, Maeve." She looked skeptical, but when I smiled her face fell.

"You've been talking to someone? How long?" She broke out into a smile, but it didn't meet her eyes. Something she must've realized as she turned to look at Michael.

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