The Temple on Haunted Hill

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"Welcome to Yang's Haunted Temple, the historical landmark and former home of Sensei Yang, the notorious sensei without a pupil, infamous for creating the lost martial art of Airjitzu. Unfortunately, we can't take our tour groups inside, for rumors say anyone trapped inside its walls at sunrise, will be turned into a ghost per,amently. But, if you listen closely, maybe we'll be able to her the ghost of Sensei Yang himself looking for his lost pupils," Patty, our tour guide, said.

"I hope it's not a rumor, for it's our only hope!" Zane yelled.

"Ah, sorry about my loud friend. He's a little hard of hearing," Cole said.

"Known for his un-," she cleared her throat. "Usual teaching methods..." she continues.

"I thought you said you fixed him," Kai said.

"At least he's no longer talking backwards. I guess my tinkering got his volume level stuck, hehe," Jay said.

"At least you can understand me now!" Zane yelled.

"Dating back, ahem, to the Edo Period..." patty said.

'Well, from now on, only speak if you have something really important to say," Cole said.

"Who put you in charge?" Kai said.

"I did. After you guys mucked it up, it's my turn to be in charge. And, like me, I like my plans simple. We sneak in, learn Sirjitzu from the ghost of Sensei Yang, then get out before sunup" Cole said.

"I have a feeling it's not going to be as simple as you think, Cole" I said.

"Since Morro already knows Airjitzu, we just have to hope he hasn't figured out the next clue" Kai said.

"Well, the sun is setting, which means we should head back to the bus. Wouldn't want anyone to turn into a ghost" Patty said. Not too much later, Zane, Kai and I opened the door before it closed and locked.

"Oh, uh, okay" Cole said.

"why do you guys always make it harder on yourselves?" I asked as we enter the temple. "I already hate this."

"Oh. Argh!" Cole freaks.

"Relax. If this place is truly haunted, we just need to wait until he shows himself" Kai said.

"Uh, he should've been here by now" Jay said.

"You heard the tour guide, if we're not out by sunup,we'll be ghosts" Cole said.

"You didn't buy into that malarkey, did you?" Kai asked.

"Hey, I don't wanna be a ghost. Who wants to be a ghost? Why didn't anyone warn us this place would get so creepy after dark?" Cole kept questioning.

"Uh, remind me again why we agreed to put the guy afraid of ghosts in charge?" Jay asked.

"Listen to this!" Zane shouts.

"Argh! Allow me." Jay then takes a book from Zane. "Ahem. Whoa. It says here though many believed Sensei Yang's unusually strict teachings drove his pupils away, others admit to never seeing any of them leave the temple grounds, suggesting a more sinister plot. Hah! How awesome is that?" Jay asked.

"Not awesome. Not even a little" Cole said.

"Don't believe everything you read" Kai said.

"Yang was hard on his pupils for a reason, for in his words 'As iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student'" Jay said.

"Hmm. I wonder what he means by that" Kai said.

"Maybe like Sensei teaches the student, and the more he teaches them, the more keen they are?' I questioned. That's when we hear the grandfather clock start to groan.

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