Stiix and Stones

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"Welcome to Stiix. Watch your step. Oh, I caught one. It's a big fella. Ugh, whoa. Whoa!" The fisherman who had welcomed us fell into the sea.  "Ugh. Dagnabbit."

"Uh, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, I'll be fine." I turned around and saw a nervous Kai.

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights," Jay said, noticing Kai's behavior.

"I'm fine with heights. It's water I hate," Kai said.

"Didn't seem to have a problem before," Zane said.

"Yeah, you were determined to swim the ocean when we were trapped on the Dark Island," I mentioned.

"Before, I could make a fire dragon at will. Since Morro's taken over Lloyd and our powers gone, I haven't felt-Aagh!" Kai was about to fall in due to a plank breaking, but Cole caught him.

'Well, now that we know ghosts don't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it," Cole said.

"Ugh, what a dump. You'd think the third who stole the Scroll of Airjitzu would have better taste," Jay said.

"Uh, this is Ronin we're talking about. He'd steal the sea if it were worth anything. We just have to figure out which rock he's under and gets the scroll before Morro does," Cole said.

"Let's split up and start looking," Zane said.

"Maybe we should start with a pawn shop before we do anything," I said. We walked into the pawnshop and looked around.

"Wait a minute, this is my dad's blade cup trophy. What's it doing in a pawn shop?" Cole questioned.

"Ronin," I said.

"Selling stolen goods? Ha, sounds like we might have stumbled on the right place," Kai said. That's, when we turned to the sound of whistling and saw Ronin carrying a vase.

"Ronin," Jay said.

"Huh?" Ronin said, trying to leave.

"Going so soon?" Jay asked.

"If this is about our last encounter, it was only business."


"You left us in the mouth of a-" Kai was then cut off.

"So you're still upset. Let me make it up to you" Ronin placed the vase down and pushes a button. "Aha!" a net trap fails. "Uh, that was a mistake. I can explain that."

"That betters had been a mistake, you are lucky that they would let me just blast you into space."

"Argh, nothing here is legit, including you," Cole said.

"Yeah. I bet your airship's not far either. What do you call it again? Rylo? Ruby?" Jay asked.

"REX. And could you have a little sympathy? Sold her so I could buy this place. As you can see, I'm trying to make an honest living."

"Honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu," Kai said.

"The Scroll of who-whatzu?" 

"Airjitzu. It can make a Spinjitzu master fly," Jay said.

"No one but Spinjitzu master, us, can use it," I said.

"Yeah. So hand it over, or we can make you fly," Cole threatened.

"Whoa, cool down, fella. Even if I had such a thing, it sounds pretty old and important. Definitely not something I'd keep on site. And definitely too much for you to afford. Maybe I can interest you in some unique weapons! I've got jadeblades, obsidian armor..."

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