Winds of Change

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The ninja and I flew across the sea, trying to find a mutant Fangfish that had been causing a village problem.

"Getting ahead of yourself, Kai? Heh. I'm leading this charge," Lloyd said, splashing water onto Kai.


"That's one way to cool off a hothead," Jay laughs.

"Hey, no one messes up my hair!" Kai flies and splashes Lloyd, and Zane. 

"You okay there, Zane?" Cole asks.

"Affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out," Zane said. I did a barrel roll over Lloyd, then went above him and few upside down.

"How are you even doing that," Lloyd laughed.

"A lot of falling on my head," I laugh to moved to fly next to him.

"Oh, what about a big fish? Incoming!" Jay yells.

"Oh, no!" Zane yells.

"There he blows!" Cole says.

"PIXAL says this is the one," Zane said.

"And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium," Lloyd said.

"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay said.

"Heck no. He was twice the size. Whoa!" Kai said as the Fangfish lunges at him.

"He's almost as hungry as you, Cole," Jay said.

"And twice as ugly as you, Jay," Cole fires back as I break down laughing.

"It's time for the catch of the day. In line formation!" Lloyd said. I few my dragon straight behind him along with the boys lining up.

"It's right behind us," Cole said. 

"Now!" Once we got to the fish boat, we split up and the fish lands right on the boat, leaving all of us to cheer.

"Now that's what I call; hook, line and stinker," Jay said laughing as we head to the docks.

"This had to be one of our funnest missions yet!" I laugh, going in front of Lloyd and splashing him.

"Hey!" I flew behind the boys as Lloyd chases me around the boys.

"Ahhhhh!" the boys laughed. Once we got to the docks, Lloyd and I were plain out soaked from splashing each other the whole way.

"Looks like we made this place safe to fish again. If your father was till here, he'd tell you he's proud. You've become a great leader, Lloyd," Kai said.

"No, we're a great team. Can't say I don't miss him," Lloyd said as we watch the fish get put into the tank.

"It's working!" Cole said, then the boys got splashed.

"With my dad gone, sometimes I question where I'm going. Sometimes I worry about who I might become," Lloyd said.

"I know how it feels. After I lost my dad, I lost my way. But I was lucky to have my sister watch over me. Don't worry, big shot. I'll watch over you from now on," Kai said, giving him a noogie.

"That makes the two of us," I said.

"Hey, no one messes up my hair," Lloyd mocks Kai as we laugh.

"Hey, you three gonna get in the picture? No one's gonna believe this. Getting a picture. This is awesome!" Jay said.

"After all we have gone through and the fact they have a section of us in the museum, I think it's fair to say they will believe us," I chuckled as we ran over. We all stood together, I stood in front of Lloyd thanks to being shorter than him, with his hand on my waist.

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