One Chicago group chats!

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*Chicago PD*

Name - Way out of your League

Jay - I lost her! I lost the kid!

Adam - What kid? Don't tell me it's...

Hailey - Did you loose Y/N?!

Jay - Maybe...

Kevin - How the hell did you do that?!

Kim - Deep breaths...Deep breaths

Jay - Hey it wasn't my fault! She just kind of ran off!

Hailey - That's voights only child and you lost her!

Kevin - Well your kind of like...

Hailey - Finish that sentence, I dare you

Kevin - A very magnificent lady!

Kim - Were getting off topic here! When did you last see her?

Jay - At the district! We walk in and I talk to play for 2 SECONDS! And when I turn around she's GONE!

Adam - What's with the random caps??

Hailey - Oh! That's the new thing he's been doing!

Kim - GUYS!

Hailey - Oh poor Y/N! She must be so cold and lonely without us

Adam - I can't believe we lost the kid

Kevin - You had 1 job Halstead!

Jay - I told you before I babysat her that I'm not reliable!

Hailey - Oh and how's that?

Jay - I had to win will back at a carnival once, then on the way home I left him on the subway!

Adam - Oh I need to hear this story

Kevin - Agreed

Kim - GUYS!

Hailey - My poor baby, Y/N just be so scared

Kim - She's so young! She can't be alone!

Y/N - Guys... I'm 25!

"Chicago Fire"

Name - Fire Escapees

Herrmann- That's it! I'm putting my kids up for sale! I'm done!

Cruz - How much?

Gabby - CRUZ!!!

Casey - Why are you putting your kids up for sale Herrmann?

Herrmann- My helmet, you know for firefighting. Shaving foam! Now my hairs a mess!

Kelly - What hair?

Herrmann- Watch yourself

Gabby - I don't think that was your kids Herrmann...

Otis - Oh who would do such a thing!

Cruz - How dare they!

Y/N - Honestly! How immature!

Kelly - Y/N?

Y/N - What! I'm appalled!

Capp - Side note, did anyone get a picture?

Cruz - Nope missed it...

Otis - Yep! At least we managed to pull off such a prank. To be fair it was Y/N's idea 🤣

Y/N - OTIS! I'm going to kill you!

Herrmann - I'm going to kill all 3 of you!

Cruz - Crap!

Herrmann- I'll give you 3 seconds to run...

"Chicago Med"

Name - Break a leg

Will - I just won scrabble!

Choi - 1. It's 2 am and 2. Scrabble?

Will - And?

Choi - Sleep! You have shift in 5 hours!

Will - Right back at ya!


Natalie - It's 9 am and I've had 2 stab victims, like at least wait till 11

Will - I love her eyes

Marcel - Hmm?

Will - Crap! Is this not Jay?!

Marcel - Please, I'm much more attractive than Jay

Choi - "Warning - False information detected"

Marcel - Dick 🙄

Maggie - I've gotta agree with Choi, that man is eye candy! 😍

Natalie - I second that! That man has the most perfected eyes

April - I third that! That bo-

Choi - Finish the sentence

Connor - Well this chat isn't very PG 13 now is it?!

Will - Are you all hitting in my brother

Natalie - No!

Maggie - If he was here though, that'd be a different story 😍

Will - MAGGIE!

Maggie - E Y E  C A N D Y! 😍😍

Will - 🤦🏼

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