What do i do with it?! - Adam Ruzek - Chicago PD

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The clock struck 10 am. I had just arrived at work, I walked in and as usual was greeted by platt. I swear she's more moody in the mornings. I flashed her a quick smile before heading up stairs. When I walked closer I could hear almost like a baby laughing. I walked in to see Adam, my partner holding a toddler by its feet. I had been friends with Adam since high school.

"Adam!" I yelled as I took the baby off of him

As I flipped her over I knew who the baby was straight away.

"Why are you holding Dawson's kid?" I laughed as I sat down

"They're at that training course, he just gave me her" Adam panicked

Antonio's wife fell pregnant again recently and had a beautiful baby girl called Sofia. Well she wasn't so little anymore. I was her godmother. I had been working at the district for 10 years now so I had grew up with Antonio's kids. For those whole 10 years I was partnered with Adam.

"You've got to help me!" Adam begged

"Why should I help you?" I laughed

"Your her godmother!" Adam argued

"Your her godfather!" I replied

Okay that was a lie, it was Casey. In my defence Adam was too stupid to remember that anyway.

"Fine but you've gotta do some of the work" I laughed

"Now here, and don't hold her upside down please" I said as I passed her to him

I then walked into the kitchen

"So, do you want a beer?" Adam asked

"Adam!" I yelled as Sofia laughed

After about an hour we decided to take Sofia back to Adams

"Don't you dare think about getting your baby gunk on my seats, this is a brand new car got it?" Adam said

Sofia laughed in his face as she touched the side of the car door

"Good girl" I laughed

"Your not helping!" Adam yelled

"How about we go to the park!?" I smiled

"Park!" Sofia yelled

"Park it is" Adam said

We arrived at the park a short time later and Sofia ran off to play. Me and Adam were on the bench

"You two make a really good couple" A lady said

"I used to love park dates!" Her friend added

"Oh we're not together" Adam laughed

"We're here watching our friends kid" I said

"What one is it?" The lady asked as she looked at the park

"Oh she's...Sofia?!" I yelled not able to see her

"Soph?!" Adam yelled

"I can't believe you lost her!" I yelled

"Hey it was a team effort!" Adam argued

"Antonio's going to kill us!" I yelled whilst searching for Sofia

"Your meant to be the responsible one here! You know the one good with kids?!" Adam yelled as he started looking in the bushes

"Who was the one who knocked up his first girlfriend? Huh? Who was the one reading "best dad" books!" I yelled

"That was different and you know that!" Adam yelled

"Sofia!" I yelled as I spotted her

"Duckies!" Sofia yelled

"Don't run off like that kiddo!" I said as I picked her up

I then looked at Adam

"Training course?" He said

"Yes please" I replied

After a while we reached the training course where they were just wrapping things up

"Take her" Adam said as he passed Antonio his daughter

"You two look rough" Hailey laughed

"I'm not having kids, no way in hell" I said as I sat down

"I second that" Adam said as everyone laughed

*Authors Note*
Does anyone have any requests they would like too see? More leaning towards the girls? I feel like I don't do enough of them yet I can't think of any ideas

Thank you

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