Family Dinner - Kelly Severide - Chicago fire

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"Hey Y/N" Casey said as he hugged me

I simply smiled at him

"You here to work the arson case with Severide?" He asked

"Yep! Not looking forward to it though. Even though Kelly's my husband he's a real pain in the ass" I explained as Casey laughed

"You can say that again" Casey added

Me and Kelly had been married for 4 years now, funnily enough we met when I was working an arson case. I had been a detective at the 21st district for 5 years now and I loved it.

"Y/N!" Dawson yelled as she hugged me

"Hey Gabby" I explained

"Any luck on the baby yet?" She asked as I sat down next to her

"No yet" I said bluntly

"I'm sure you'll get there" Dawson said as she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder

Oh yeah, the baby. Last year after I had worked a murder case I found out I was pregnant. I was only 8 weeks so in a way I knew I was going to loose it. After only knowing for a week I lost the baby. I'll admit I struggled but Kelly was there for me every step of the way.

"Hey you" Kelly said as he kissed me

"Did you really have to report an arson case" I laughed

"Just keeping you on your toes" Kelly laughed as he sat down next to me

After going through everything for about an hour we were finally done, I was packing up my things when Kelly turned to me

"Remember, my parents are in town. They're coming over tonight for dinner" Kelly explained

Ahh Jenifer and Benny, the parents of the man I love the most. Who I've only ever met once, on my wedding day. They didn't like me, I knew that and Kelly knew that. But Kelly suffers through my family dinners, I need to suffer through his.

"How could I forget? I might be running late though, I just need to wrap up this case. But I promise I'll be there" I said before kissing him goodbye

After a long and stressful day at work, I was packing up when Hailey walked in.

"You headed out?" She asked

"Yeah, I've got dinner with the in laws tonight" I said

"Oh that sounds rough" Hailey said

"It is, I'll see you tomorrow Upton" I explained before walking out

I arrived home a short time later, I was only 5 minutes late however that simply wasn't good enough.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late. I had to finish that arson case" I explained as I saw Jenifer roll her eyes

"It's okay honey, we were just about to eat" Kelly explained as I walked over to the table

I sat down across from Jenifer and Benny and Kelly sat down next to me

"Are you pregnant yet?" Jenifer asked

"Mom!" Kelly yelled

"What! It's a simple question!" Jenifer argued

"Hey it's okay" I muttered

Kelly sighed

"Uhm no I'm not" I said looking at the table

"So first you loose our grandchild on purpose! Then you can't get pregnant with another one?!" Jenifer yelled

"Hey!" Kelly yelled

"Oh please Kelly! Your as angry as we are! She can't make you a dad! Divorce her! She can't make you happy! She works too much! She will never have time for you! She has picked her job over you!" Jenifer yelled

"Mom that's enough!" Kelly yelled

"She's got a point kid, she's a tramp. That can't make you happy. You deserve someone better" Benny added

"Okay your done! Get out!" Kelly yelled

Jenifer and Benny then headed out, I was left sitting alone at the table

"Y/N.." Kelly said as he sat next to me

"Leave it, I'm going to bed" I said before getting up

I then felt a hand on my arm and turned around

"I'm not angry, at the start I was. I was angry at the world, not you" Kelly explained

"Save it Kelly, I couldn't care less if you were mad at me!" I yelled before walking away

It's the next morning and I step out of my bedroom to see Kelly, Casey and Dawson in the kitchen

"Morning" Dawson said enthusiastically

"Morning" I replied

Kelly didn't even look at me and I didn't look at him. We avoided each other, which was weird for us. We always talked things out, we had to. We both had such mentally draining jobs with no one but each other to vent to.

"Okay what's with the weird atmosphere this morning?" Casey asked

"Uhm i really need to get to work, bye guys" I said before grabbing my things and walking out the door

"What the hell have you done now?" Casey asked

"It's not important" Kelly mentioned

After an hour I arrived at work, I spent the morning doing some paperwork. Until I was out patrolling the neighbourhoods. I turned a corner then my radio went off

"We've got a hostage situation on 22 elm street, the hostage is Jenifer Sheridan. Requesting intelligence back up" Main said

I felt the colour drain out of my face and picked up my radio

"This is 34 David, I'm 2 blocks away. I'll roll on it" I said as I started to drive faster

"Copy that detective" Main replied

I got there as soon as I could, I was lead to an abandoned warehouse. I walked in with my gun in my hand and saw Jenifer being held at gun point

"CPD! Get your damn hands here I can see them!" I yelled as I pointed the gun at the man

"Or what princess?" He asked

Jenifer looked so scared, there was blood all over her face and she was shaking like a leaf.

"You know what I've had enough of you cops!" The man yelled as he went to pull the trigger

However I got there first, I shot him right in the head sending him to the ground.

"Hey it's okay, I've got you now" I explained as I untied Jenifer...

Part 2???

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