The Diagnosis - David Kay - Swat

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"We're gonna be late Y/N!" Deacon shouts

"I'm coming!" You yell back as you finish up getting ready

"Hondo is going to kill us" Deacon adds as you wander into the kitchen

"And why would he kill one of his best officers?" You reply as you smile

You had met deacon 10 years ago on the job. You were also a swat officer on Hondo's team and you instantly fell in love with him. You have been married for 5 years now but don't have any kids. Deacon was really the light of your life and you don't know what you would do without him.

"Y/N!" Chris yells as she runs over to you

"Chris! I didn't know you were gonna be back so soon!" You say as you pull her in for a hug

"I flew home a few days early!" Chris says as she smiles

Hondo then calls you all in. Something had been playing on your mind recently. A week and a half ago you were showering as you normally do. Deacon was out with Hondo so you were alone. You got out of the shower when you noticed a lump on your chest. You started to panic and shoved clothes on and haven't checked since.

"Okay! We get to deal with a drug dealer today!" Hondo announces as everyone laughs

"Y/N? Deacon? You guys wanna run down and bring him in?" Hondo asks

"Sure thing" You reply as you walk out followed by deacon

You are halfway there but you haven't said anything the whole car ride

"Baby? You okay?" Deacon asks as he puts a hand on your thigh

You sigh, not sure weather to tell him or not

"I found a lump" You admit as you look to the ground

"What do you mean?" Deacon asks starting to panic

"On my chest" You say

"Have you booked an appointment! God why didn't you tell me sooner!" Deacon yells

"Baby" You mutter but he doesn't stop

"I could've helped! Made this easier!" Deacon shouts

"Honey" You mutter as you look at him but he's too panicked

"What if your dying and I can't help! I've let it go this far!" Deacon yells

"David!" You yell as he turns to look at you

"Im not dying. Im not going to let myself die! You need me and I need you!" You shout as you put a reassuring hand on his thigh

"I know. I shouldn't have jumped the gun. I'm sorry Y/N. I just can't loose you" Deacon says as he smiles

"Your not going to loose me!" You reassure

Deacon then pulls up to a bar in the middle of no where

"What drug dealer hides his stash in a bar?" You comment as you get out of the car

"You'd be surprised" Deacon adds

You both get your guns out and walk in

"LAPD! Get your hands where we can see them!" Deacon yells as you approach the man you came here for

"Andreas Carnel. Your under arrest for the possession of illegal drugs. You don't have to say anything but if you do it will be used against you in court" You say as you put the handcuffs on him

You take him out to a patrol car and they drive him back to the headquarters. Deacon drives you back

"I'm waiting on a phone call" You add

"From the doctors?" Deacon asks

"Yeah. It's the results" You say as deacon turns into the station

You and Deacon walk in and meet Hondo and the others.

"Good job Y/N and deacon. He's in custody but he's not talking" Hondo explains

You smile as your phone starts to buzz. Hondo looks at you and you pull it out

"Sorry Hondo. I need to take this" You explain before rushing out

Hondo looks at deacon who just dismisses it with a hand action.

"Hello?" You say as you answer

"Mrs Kay. I'm calling based on your MRI results." The doctor explains

"Yes" You say as you brace yourself

"Unfortunately we have discovered that you have Stage 3 Brest cancer" The doctor says as your legs start to feel like jelly

You then start to feel the tears build up in your eyes. Thoughts start racing through your head and your legs give way. Making a crashing sound as you fall to your knees and sob. The team hear the crash and run out.

"Baby" Deacon says as he rushes to your side

"I'm sorry David. I'm so so sorry" You say as you sob in his arms

Deacon lets out a knowing sigh and pulls you close. The team have no idea what's going on so they stand and watch. It's an hour later and you have calmed down. You've spoken to deacon and now have to tell hicks and Hondo. You decided to go alone.

"Y/N!" Hicks says as he pulls you close

"What's up? Why did you want us here?" Hondo asks

"Look there's no way to say this but" You explain as Hondo stops you

"Don't tell me your leaving us?" Hondo asks

"Your one of our best officers!" Hicks adds

"No it's just" You say before correcting yourself

"I have breast Cancer. Stage 3" You explain as you can see there expressions fall

"When did you find out?" Hondo asks

"An hour ago" You admit

"We're going to do everything we can to try and help you" Hicks adds

"Like help out with any medical bills" Luca says as the rest of the team walk in

"Or take you out to get your mind off of it" Chris adds

"And we're always here if you need us" Tan adds

"Sorry Y/N I had to tell them" Deacon adds as a tear falls down your cheek

"I'm not ready to die yet" You sob as deacon pulls you close

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