Love at first sight Pt.3 - Dominic Luca - Swat

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Your at home. You've just made a 3 month anniversary dinner for you and Luca. You had slaved over the hot stove all day. You then sit down on the couch as the team burst in

"Guys? Lucas not home yet" You explain

"Get up!" Chris yells as you stand

"What's going on with you guys?" You ask as you shoot tan a look but he just looks away

"Y/N Ashford, your under arrest for the murder of Dominic Luca" Hondo says as he puts the hand cuffs on you

"What? Hondo? I've been here all night!" You explain as he roughly drags you out the door

"Don't play dumb with us!" Hondo yells as he shoves you into the back of a police car

"I didn't do anything!" You yell as the car drives off

An hour later you are sitting in holding. Deacon and Chris then walk in

"Care to tell us what happened last night?" Deacon asks

"Luca didn't come home. I was about to call you!" You explain

"So you killed him instead?" Chris suggests

"I would never hurt Luca! And where's you proof?" You shout as they sit down the note in front of you

"This is our proof" Chris says as she takes her hands away from the note

You look at the note and you know almost immediately that you didn't write that

"That's not my handwriting, I don't curl the ends of my 'Y's" You explain

"Show us then" Chris says as he hands you a piece of paper and a pen

You write the exact same note and it looks completely different to the original one

"So who wrote it?" Deacon asks

"I have no clue, but my father will" You reply bluntly

It's an hour later and the team burst through the door

"Your going undercover" Hondo orders

"What?" You ask

"Your going undercover to take down your father" Hondo explains as you look at the rest of the team

"Fine" You reply

You get ready and are driving to your fathers house. You haven't seen this man since you were 14. But you think you've got a pretty convincing story. You pull up to your fathers house

You take a deep breath in and walk in

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You take a deep breath in and walk in

*With the Team*

"Shit! I'm in the wrong job!" Tan adds as he looks at the house

"You wonder why people who do drugs and jazz get a nice house like this. Yet I save the world practically every day and I live in a one bedroom apartment!" Street sighs

"Go work with Ashford then" Chris says as street shoots her a look

*With You*

You invite yourself in. You have a gun in your back pocket just in case. Three men spot you that isn't your brother or father and pull out their guns

"Calm down boys" You say as you pull out your ID

The men read your ID but still don't trust you. They grab you and pull you into the living room. You see your father sitting on the couch. Scotch in hand with your brother attached to his hip

"Tell these idiots to get their hands off of me" You shout as your father turns around

"Y/N" Roman says as he takes a swig of his scotch

"Father" You reply bluntly

"Get your hands off my kid!" Roman yells as you are let go off

"I thought you were done with the family business?" Kingston asks

"Aren't you meant to be in prison?" You ask

"Dad bailed me out" Kingston reply's

"Daddy's always got your back Huh?" You say as you sit down on the couch

"So why are you back?" Roman asks as he sits down next to you

"Sending men to wake me up during the night and threaten to kill me. That's real smart" You reply as you look at your nails

"I needed to send you a message. That I'm still thinking about you" Roman replies

"Daddy? Who's here?" A man/woman asks standing at the door

You notice this person looks oddly like you. Like really similar. They look up and notice the same thing

"Who the hell is that? My replacement?" You ask as you look the person up and down

"Y/N that's your twin...Alex(Gender Neutral name)" Roman explains

"Twin? You kept them quiet" You say as you stand up and walk over to them

"Yes well. They only came into our life's a couple of years ago" Kingston explains

"So your the one they didn't want" You whisper as Alex lunges towards you

You grab their hair and kick their stomach. You grab their wrist and twist it causing them to scream out in pain. You then pull out your gun and hold it up against their head

"I'll take that as a yes" You explain as you put your gun away

You look at a card on the mantle. You can see it's signed by Alex. The writing matches the note identically

"I'm going to the bathroom" you order as you walk to the bathroom

You walk in and lock the door.

"It's Alex who wrote that note. My twin" You say into your mic

"Copy that" Hondo replies

Minuets later they burst in. You stay in the bathroom until you can hear all the commotion stop. You walk out to see everyone in cuffs

"You bitch!" Kingston shouts

"Yeah well I was raised by one" You threaten looking at Roman

You walk out with a smirk on your face

The End

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