Tian Yao finished putting on Yan Hui's shoes for he. He smiled at her words and looked up at her: "And you?"


"Where are you7?"

He didn't care about what he had become. He only cared about where she was afterwards.........

Yan Hui felt like a needle had pricked her heart. After that twinge of pain, she slightly leaned forward and pointed her finger at Tian Yao's heart: "By that time, I was in here."

Tian Yao held her hand: "You were already in there long ago."

Yan Hui's lips curled upwards. She seized the opportunity to flicker her finger upwards and placed it under his chin. She flirted: "Sir's mouth is filled with sweet words."

By now, Tian Yao already knew how to match her: "Would the young lady like to taste?"

"Let me taste a really sweet one." Yan Hui's face moved closer.

Tian Yao went from below, upwards, like he was looking up at the sky. He lightly kissed her mouth: "Alright......." Saying that, he captured her mouth.

It was very sweet for Tian Yao, but for Yan Hui, it was secretly quite bitter.

The spirit pearl was in her body. Therefore, Yan Hui knew better than anyone just how bad her condition actually was. She sensed that the "one month" Qing Qiu's king said was perhaps a bit too optimistic.

The day afterwards when Yan Hui looked into the mirror, she actually saw a gray aura around herself.

It was the aura of death. She would clearly see it around mortals who were slowly declining. She saw the aura ever since she was small. It was the exact same aura around Tian Yao's grandmother back at Tong Lu Mountain. Her aura grew darker and darker every day until she died. Every since Yan Hui was little, she knew that the death aura would appear around her one day. However back then, that possibility seemed so remote, so she didn't feel that bad.

However, finally the day arrived where she saw the gray aura around her in the mirror. Yan Hui couldn't help feeling scared and frightened.

Yet her death aura wasn't quite the same as what appeared around an ordinary mortal. She was supposed to be stillborn. It was the heart protection scale Ling Xiao brought and Tian Yao's neidan that saved her life. From that moment on she lived a half-ghost, half-human life. She relied on the good fortune of the neidan to not have an trace of decay.

Even though Qing Qiu's king gave her the spirit pearl, once the neidan was removed, the gray aura around her multiplied like crazy.

After the first day the gray aura appeared, it became darker on the second day. By the third day, the aura had exponentially swelled.

Yan Hui didn't think she would last a month.

That's why Yan Hui would go see Tian Yao every chance she got until the last moment. Sometimes she would follow him to the cold springs. While he cultivated, she would quietly sit by the side and watch him. She still felt happy even not doing anything.

Yan Hui few asleep a few times under the tree and only woke up when it was time to go back. But by then, she didn't have the strength to stand up. She would snap her fingers and smile at Tian Yao: "My legs are numb. Sir, give me a piggy back ride."

Tian Yao never refused these requests. Perhaps it could be said Tian Yao never refused any of Yan Hui's reasonable and unreasonable requests.

Sometimes during the piggy back ride, Yan Hui would notice the moon was shining very prettily. Then she would tug at his clothes and say: "Sir, accompany me to view the moon."


"I don't want to fly. You take me there."


After a few times like this, even Yan Hui started to feel like she was being spoiled too much. She asked Tian Yao: "You don't feel like I'm becoming someone who can't care for themselves?"

Tian Yao thought about it: "Mm, it's pretty similar."

".........Then what do you think about that?"

"Is there something wrong with that?" said Tian Yao. "I can do whatever you don't want to do. You can be as presumptuous and conceited as you want. You have me to fulfill your desires."

Thus, Tian Yao transformed into his dragon form. Yan Hui laid down on his head between his two horns. She stared up at the star-filled sky. There was no one else around. It was so peaceful that only the wind blowing in her ears could be heard.

Yan Hui smiled: "I suddenly feel like a princess."

"You are a queen."

In that moment. Yan Hui really felt like a queen, traveling with her king around the world and looking down at the people.

But in a few days, Yan Hui could no longer see her own face in the mirror. Her reflection was complete covered by the black, twisting aura. Her own reflection made her seem like some ghost from the underworld that had accidentally stumbled into the thriving living world.

Yan Hui knew that meant she didn't have much time left. She couldn't last a month.........

However the good news was that the time when Qing Guang needed large amounts of neidan had moved up quite a bit. The frontline of battle relayed the news that the xian sects were starting to gather neidan from demons.

But this time, there wasn't many people who were willing to try hard to get the neidans Qing Guang needed.

The news that Qi Jue Group spread had spread reached critical importance. Qing Guang was unable to give an explanation to everyone who was collecting neidan. As a result, many xian sects were at odds with him. No one wanted to listen to the command of a suspected heretical cultivator, especially if they may die as a result.

Qing Guang was thus relatively kept isolated from matters for a period of time.

Taking advantage of the rift between Central Plain's xian sects and Chen Xing Mountain sect, Qing Qiu's heir immediately planned a large scale assault. The demon clans crossed San Chong Mountain and easily entered Central Plains. They headed straight to Chen Xing Mountain.

This attack had the backing of Qing Qiu's king.

Qing Guang couldn't get enough neidan and was unable to advance his cultivation. If no one was willing to listen to his orders, then the fastest method was to take matters in his own hands. He would get the neidans himself.

The concentrated attack of demon soldiers was like a feast to Qing Guang. All he had to do was reach out and take it.

After Qing Guang left Chen Xing Mountain, that meant he was gone from his most familiar area. That gave Tian Yao a greater chance of success once he starts the fight against Qing Guang.

Tian Yao marched out with the army once the plan was set. However, Yan Hui wouldn't accompany him this time. He thought with her personality she would try every possible method to go with him. However, this time Yan Hui fell out of step with him. She sent him off at the doorway: " I still haven't reached the seventh level of 'Demon Bestowal'. If I go and Qing Guang sets his sights on me, won't that give you all a lot of trouble? I'll just wait here for your victorious return."

"I will return."

Yan Hui lightly smiled: "I know you will."

Tian Yao turned and left.

Once Tian Yao was gone, Huan Xiao Yan appeared and supported Yan Hui. In the eyes of everyone, Yan Hui's eyes were sunken in, and she looked haggard.

Huan Xian Yan said: "Master, I can't be too far from Tian Yao to keep up the illusion spell, but you don't have to go. With you like this......."

"I'm going." Yan Hui looked down at her hand that looked like withered wood. Her voice trembled a bit, "I'm scared I won't last and be able to catch a last glance of his return after winning."

She wanted to have him in her eyes until the very last moment.

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