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Qing Qiu's doctor was very shocked when he came and examined Yan Hui's wound. He only said one sentence: "The wound almost completely healed itself." He just prescribed two types of calming medicine for Yan Hui before leaving.

Yan Hui's heart was only influenced by Tian Yao's scales and his magic. No wonder why Su Ying wanted his armored scales for Liu Mu Sheng to wear. It was able to heal a wounded heart so fast. For an ordinary person, this indeed would be like a miraculous life-saver.

After the doctor left, Tian Yao quietly stayed by Yan Hui's side and didn't leave. Yan Hui didn't go back to sleep either. She kept her eyes on Tian Yao and silently watched him. The room's atmosphere was somewhat stiff. Yan Hui thought a little and asked: "That Liu Mu Sheng........what are you going to do with him?"

Tian Yao lightly looked at Yan Hui: "That's for the nine-tailed fox demon clan to decide."

Yan Hui couldn't help being surprised by what she heard. She inspected Tian Yao's expression for awhile before saying: "You don't feel any hatred towards him?"

"Although the enmity between Su Ying and I are because of him, in the end it has nothing to do with him. Hatred toward that person is out of the question. However, I don't want to see him. That's all."

"But looking at Liu Mu Sheng, it seems like he harbors a strong hatred towards Su Ying. He actually wanted to come to Qing Qiu even if that meant being a chess piece." Yan Hui was silent for a moment. "Su Ying murdered so many demons, killed so many people. She had scheme after scheme, but she still couldn't live the life she wanted to have........."

"When you say it like that......." said Tian Yao. "It sounds pretty happy."

Yan Hui gave him a look but didn't add to what she said.

When night came, Yan Hui dizzily fell into a dream. All around her was swirling blackness, but she faintly see that there was a swaying gray light up ahead. She walked towards it. As Yan Hui continued to stare at the light, she could finally see the person clearly.

Black hair. Grasping a jian. Still wearing Chen Xing Mountain's clothes. He looked like how he always did. He stood there with a ramrod-straight back.

"Head Senior Disciple." Yan Hui stopped in place when she clearly saw his face. She just stood with that distance between him and looked. She no longer flusteredly chased after him. Yan Hui quietly looked at him for a while then actually quirked her mouth into a smile. She was relaxed: "Head Senior Disciple, look, I revenged you. I killed Ling Fei. You can move on in peace."

Zi Chen just stood there and looked at Yan Hui. His expression was sorrowful.

Yan Hui's smile became a little stiff when she saw that: "You're not happy?" She asked, "Why? I avenged your injustice. I settled the hatred and unwillingness from that day at Chen Xing Mountain. I broke off my 10-year ties with Chen Xing Mountain and left the xian cultivation pathway. I even listened to your words and came to Qing Qiu. I started to live with the demon clans........." As Yan Hui talked, she smiled. "I rarely used to listen to you."

However under Zi Chen's still distressed frown, the smile Yan Hui forced out faded away again.

"But why aren't you happy? Are you not happy for yourself or for me?"

Zi Chen didn't reply. His figure became fainter and fainter in the swirling darkness until Yan Hui woke up. It seemed like she could hear an almost unheard sigh in her mind, but when she opened her eyes, she was still in her room. Nothing had changed.

The reality of her surroundings made her dream seem even more fake. But even though she knew it was fake, Yan Hui couldn't go back to sleep.

The moonlight outside her window was just right. Yan Hui's thoughts were in turmoil. She might as well no longer stay inside. Draping on her outer clothing, she headed towards the spring.

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