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Tian Yao held Yan Hui. Her body was ice-cold and had no strength. She was relying on him to support her up.

Tian Yao knew how strong Yan Hui was, but now she was so weak.

Tian Yao couldn't help holding her tighter and pressing his now warmer body against hers. Like before when Yan Hui tried to warm him up, he was now trying to transfer some wisp of warmth to her in consolation.

"Let's go."

It was like Yan Hui was awoken by those two words. She came back to her senses and hoarsely squeezed out three words out of her raw throat: "Head Senior Disciple......."

If it wasn't for her mouth being right by his ear, Tian Yao probably wouldn't have heard those frail, mewling words.

Tian Yao's heart suddenly throbbed. It was like Yan Hui's barely heard words had stabbed into his heart.

"Don't leave.....Head Senior Disciple behind here."

Tian Yao looked around the prison but didn't see a trace of the head senior disciple Yan Hui was whispering out. When the remembered the murderous aura in the prison and the now non-existent wind that was revolving around Yan Hui, he guessed what had happened.

He was silent for a beat. Then he took a step forward while holding Yan Hui: "He's no longer here."

Yan Hui's hand immediately grasped Tian Yao's arm: "He's here."

At this moment, there were many xian cultivators gravely waiting around outside.  Who activated the prison's killing spell was no longer the important issue. The most urgent issue was that a sole dragon demon broke into Chen Xing Mountain's prison to rescue a prisoner.

Some people shouted down at Tian Yao: "Where did you evil demon get the courage to break into my Chen Xing Mountain?"

Tian Yao looked up: "Yan Hui, we need to go now."

Yan Hui closed her eyes. She knew more clearly than anyone else if Zi Chen was here or not. What happened here left its mark in her heart. It was time to go. They couldn't risk Tian Yao's life here.

It was time to leave Head Senior Discple alone here in this place........

It felt like there was a hatchet chopping away at her heart. She gritted her teeth so hard that veins popped in her temples. She endured it for a long time. Then, she opened her eyes. There was a harsh light deep in her eyes. She hoarsely spoke: "Let's go."

Tian Yao didn't hesitate. Leaping flames covered his body.

There was still that last chain wrapped around Yan Hui's neck. Tian Yao didn't bother with the soul-destroying whip laying on the ground. He just grabbed the chain, and the fire around his hand scorched the metal. The chain was melted into two.

Tian Yao delay a moment longer. With a sinister aura enveloping his entire body, he rushed into the sky.

When they exited the prison and saw Chen Xing Mountain's, xian cultivators below, Yan Hui slightly tightened her grip on Tian Yao's clothes. Tian Yao looked down. He held Yan Hui in his arms and revolved back. They were in mid-air. Demonic aura encased them. One arm wrapped around her waist, sending his power into her.

The warm power rushed into her throat and healed its hoarse raspiness. It allowed her to talk as she normally did: "Ling Fei." She shouted those two word behind clenched teeth. Her voice wasn't that loud, but it seemed to spread throughout Chen Xing Mountain's 28 peaks.

At Xin Xiu Peak, Ling Fei heard Yan Hui shouting her name. She felt a chill in her bones.

She looked in that direction. All she saw was a faintly glimmering, fiery figure floating in mid-air. She knew that Yan Hui from over there couldn't see her. She also knew that Yan Hui couldn't do anything to her in that current condition. However, in Ling Fei's heart, there was a seed of guilty conscience that didn't let her feel at ease. She couldn't help tremble when she heard her name being called.

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