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It was barely daybreak the next day. The first ray of light pierced through the forest and shined on Yan Hui's eyes. She frowned and woke up. There were no dreams; this was the most restful sleep she had in a long time.

Looks like it really was true that this spring not only healed injuries but also soothed the mind.

"Master, Master! Master Yan!"

From far away came Huan Xiao Yan's voice: "Little Brother Zhu Li is looking for you everywhere in the couryard. Are you there?!"

Yan Hui clearly replied: "I'm here. Stay there. I'll be right there."

She pulled herself out, grabbed her clothes, and draped them over her shoulder. As she walked to where she heard Huan Xiao Yan's voice, Yan Hui also wrung her hair dry. She didn't look back and therefore didn't see the ripple in the spring water that appeared when she left.

When she saw Huan Xiao Yan, she asked: "How did you know I'm here?"

"You're my master. You have my ring, so I can sense a general direction where you are." Huan Xiao Yan hopped around by Yan Hui's side as they walked. She looked very happy. "Yesterday night, I secretly gave a lot of demons an illusion. They were really happy in their dreams. I got so full."

"Did you let them wake up?"

Huan Xiao Yan pouted: "They woke up. We have an arrangement. Tonight, I'll give them more illusions, so they can have good dreams. They all really like my illusions." Huan Xiao Yan turned her head to look up at Yan Hui. "Master, do you really not want my illusions?"

"I just want a good sleep with no dreams." The two chatted as they headed to Zhu Li's residence. Yan Hui suddenly thought of something and turned to ask Huan Xiao Yan, "Did you cast an illusion on me last night?"

Huan Xiao Yan was shocked: "No, what did Master dream of? That Ling Fei? Ling Xiao? Or is it that Zi Chen?"

Yan Hui opened her mouth to reply when she saw Tian Yao slowly walking over. However, his posture today was a little strange. Yan Hui raised an eyebrow: "What happened to your leg?"

Huan Xiao Yan widened her eyes and also asked: "Who crippled you?!"

Tian Yao shot Huan Xiao Yan a look.

The little demon silently hid behind Yan Hui after seeing that look: "Master, he looks like he's going to kill........."

"It's nothing." Tian Yao ignored Huan Xiao Yan and only looked off into the distance. "I meditated for too long yesterday, and my legs locked up." Done talking, he continued on to Zhu Li's residence.

Huan Xiao Yan watched Tian Yao walk a few steps and moved closed to Yan Hui's ear to tattle: "Master, he just told a lie to you."

Of cource, Yan Hui also knew that. Before at Tong Luo Mountain, Tian Yao would meditate the whole day and night. He never said anything about legs cramping or going numb. It was clear from the start that he was lying.

However, when Tian Yao didn't want to say something, even prying his mouth open wouldn't get a word out. Thus Yan Hui followed after him: "We'll first go see Zhu Li."

Zhu Li was carefully reading a book in the meeting hall. He raised his head at the sound of footsteps and saw Tian Yao and Yan Hui entering. Zhu Li handed the book over to Yan Hui: "These past days, I had people look for a rare book to start demon cultivation. However, this kind of situation is really rare. We looked for a long time before finding this book tucked away in the imperial library. Go ahead and take a look. After your body is healed, you can start practicing."

Yan Hui took the book and saw on the cover two words, "Demon Bestowal". Yan Hui just gave her thanks when Tian Yao took the book form her hands. He flipped through it very fast, eyes brightening. However when he reached the end, Tian Yao frowned: "Where's the rest?"

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