The Winter Soldier Comes Out Of The Shadows

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| 3rd Person Point of View |

Stiles paces back and fourth in front of Hope, distracting her from sketching, that she was attempting to do to keep her own nerves calm. This goes on and on, Hope finally getting pissed off enough and throwing her pencil directly towards Stiles' face, before calmly reaching into her back and grabbing another pencil to continue her sketch of New Orleans.

"What the hell?!"

"You need to sit your ass down."

"What's the issue with me standing?"

"You're not standing, you're pacing. And it is super annoying, even without the hightened hearing."

"Okay, you know what- Why aren't you more nervous?! Nat and Steve are interrogating-"

"So doing their normal job?" I cut him off.

"Well, yeah, but-" Stiles shuts up, seemingly having founds the error in his ways. Before immedately unfinding it. "What if something goes wrong? I mean, he is an important-"

"Important asshat? I think they'll be fine. They have a plan, remember? We helped them plan it."

"...I hate you and your logic."

"Just shut up and sit down? Thanks." Stiles begrudgingly sits down next to Hope, his leg bouncing on the ground as he messes with his hands. 

"Let's go, Littles." Nat peaks her head into the room the Littles had been waiting in, Stiles immedately standing up to rush out the door. Hope puts her sketch book in her bag, calmly following the nervous Stiles.



They all squeeze into the car, Sam in the drivers seat and Steve having called shotgun, leaving Nat, Stiles, Sitwell, and Hope all squeezing into the backseat. As Stiles pointed out, luckily Hope was small enough so it was pretty much just like 3 people in the backseat. Steve had to pick Hope up to keep her from killing him, obviously. They drove on the highway, Sitwell not shutting up for the whole trip.

"HYDRA doesn't like leaks."

"They why don't you try shutting the fuck up-"

"Language." Steve scolds Hope. Nat leans towards the middle so everyone could hear her.

"Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little bit close here." Nat points out, Hope flicking Stiles on the neck in the background.

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly."  Steve assures her.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Sitwell asks, "That is a terrible, terrible idea-" Hope flicks him this time, instead of aiming for the neck aiming for the jugular (even if it is technically on the neck) to pack a punch.

"Shut u-" 


The window on Hope's side crashes in, Hope covering her face as glass cascades onto her. A metal arm reaches inside of the car, right past Hope, and grabs onto Sitwell before yanking him out of the car and into on coming traffic with a scream. Nat watches closely at the arm by the window, the car making noises as whoever that was climbs onto the roof. She first knocks Stiles towards the door, therefore pushing Hope as well, making sure Hope only gets shoot in the shoulder (even if best case would be no wounds but you gotta do what you gotta do). She then moves towards the front of the car and moves Steve's head to avoid the gunshot heading straight for him, before kicking Sam over to avoid the bullet that shoot through his headrest. Steve hits the breaks and the assailant goes flying, catching themselves on the road and using their metal arm to slow themselves down. All five of them in the car stare as he picks his fingers up out of the torn up concrete, and stand up. Nat takes out her gun to fire it at the assailant, before a armored-car comes up behind them and crashes straight into them, Nat dropping her gun, and the car going forward towards the Winter Soldier. Sam tries to control their car, maybe even get them out of the situation, but he fails to do it in time as the Winter Solider takes his place back on top of the car causing more glass to go flying around them. Sam presses on the brakes, screeching being heard from everwhere as the car attempts to stop.  Nat reaches down and tries to find her gun, Stiles quickly moving and attempting to pull the bullet out of Hope's shoulder, despite her frustrated cries. The Winter Soldier reaches down and breaks through the windshield, taking the wheel right out of Sam's hands. 

"Shit!" Sam screams as Nat finally gets her gun back in her hands and fires up towards the roof, therefore towards The Winter Soldier.

"Fuck you!" Hope cries as Stiles finally gets the bullet out, the wound finally healing. The Winter Soldier jumps off of the car and onto the armored car behind them, letting the 5 get ahead of them before crashing into their car again, causing them to turn unwillingly and hit a barrier, the car going out of control. Steve picks up his shield and puts it on the door, pulling Nat closer to him, before motioning for Hope and Stiles to get in the tiny front space as well. Hope goes first, squeezing in on Steves lap next to Nat, and then Stiles sits on the middle consuel. 

"Hang on!" Nat holds onto the Littles as Steve reaches out to grab onto Sam, pushing his shield through the door as soon as the car starts to flip, the 5 in a huddled bunch on the broken off door that skids on the ground not far behind the totalled car. They can't stay in that bunch forever, Sam's sent tossing and turning on the road in one direction and Stiles in another, the other 3 being able to hold onto the car door until it finally stops. The car that was behind them stops as well, The Winter Solider jumping off the front and heading towards them, someone handing him a grande launcher. The 3 left on the car door stand up, right in time, as the Winter Solider fires at them. Hope and Nat quickly jump out of the way, Steve getting hit right on with it, using his shield as a... well, shield. It explodes and sends him tumbling off the bridge, crashing straight into a bus, which then crashes into another bus and goes tumbling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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