Wheaton, New Jersey

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|| Stiles Point of View ||

"Мама паук!" Hope says, banging on Nat's door.

[Mama Spider]

"Maybe she's not home." I yell at Hope over her knocking. She just glares at me before going back to knocking.

"Natalia Alianovna Romanova!" Hope keeps yelling and banging, Nat finally opening the door after a few minutes.

"Littles, next time don't knock and yell..." 

"Hope's fault!" I quickly say, pointing at Hope. Hope knocks my hand down, before looking back at Nat.

"How do we catch this son of a bitch?"

"You want to catch the Winter Soldier?" 

"Who?" I ask Nat. She sigh, before letting us both in, and all go and sit on her couch as she starts to explain.

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't even believe he exists. The ones who do, call him The Winter Soldier. He's been credited with over two dozen assassiantions in the last 50 years. He's a ghost story. But, five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. Someone shot my tires out by Odessa. I lost control of the car, the car went over a cliff. I got myself and the engineer out of the car, but The Winter Soldier was waiting for us. I was covering the engineer and he shot him through me. Soviet slug, no rifling." Natasha explains, showing us her bullet wound scar

"Just like Fury's assassianation..." I say, Hope pouring us all shots of Vodka.

"I saw the Cap hid a flashdrive in the vending machine at the hospital, behind a shit ton of gum, so..." Nat pulls takes out said flashdrive, putting it on the table and taking the shot Hope poured for her. Nat then turns back and hands both me and Hope a package of gum.

"So, what's the plan?" Hope asks, putting a piece of gum into her mother.

"I corner Rogers, explain to him who the Winter Soldier is, get him to understand how big of a deal it is, we help him take the Winter Soldier down, etc." 

"And what do we do?"

"Well, while I'd prefer it if you two stayed out of this... it will be easier to keep an eye on you if you help us from the start. Meet us at the mall."

Me and Hope are acting like a couple, standing in the electronics store. 

"How long are they going to be?" Hope whispers, typing on the computer and bringing up the mall security cameras.

"I don't know, we just have to wait."

"We've been waiting for a hour."

"Yeah, that's a short amount of time for a job like this."

"Well, I'm sorry I haven't exactly been on a mission in a while."

"That's not my fault, nor is it my fault you're complaining." I whisper right back, an employee walking over to us.

"How may we help you two today?" A guy with long blonde hair asks us. "Are you interested in these computers or is there something else you're here to get today?" Hope quickly clicks off the security cameras, but I notice Nat and Steve coming closer and closer to the store.

"Um... no, we're just browsing. Thank you." I try and brush him off, giving him a fake smile.

"Well, if you like I could show you the-"

"We're good. Thanks." Hope cuts him off, whispering a spell under her breath. He leaves us alone and she pulls up the security cameras again. "Finally..." She says as Nat and Steve walk in, we watch as they walk over to the computer and start their own work.

"They're getting into the flashdrive now."

"No shit, I see that too Sherlock." Hope whispers, rolling her eyes.

"Did you find a brain back there?" She just ignores me, probably listening into Steve and Nat's coversation, which leaves me just to stand there. Meanie. The same guy who walked up to us, walked up to them, fuck- 

Okay, time to make a scene. I quickly walk over to the other side of the store from them, but before I can knock a row of phones down, they get knocked down like magic. I look up and over to a smirking Hope.


Next thing I knew, Steve and Nat were walking out of the store, Hope and I quickly following them. We catch up to them, Hope taking Steve's arm as I take Nats.

"Split up, randevu..."

"New Jersey. Wheaton, New Jersey." Natasha quickly fills in for me.

"The army training camp." Steve adds.

"Great. Randevu in Wheaton, New Jersey."

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