Arnim Zola, The Computer Genius

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|| Stiles Point of View ||

We all get out of the car, walking towards an old looking place.

"This is it." Steve says, shield in his hand.

"The file came from these coordinates."

"So did I." Steve says as we all look at an old military sign that said this place was Camp Lehigh.

"That's right- You trained here before the serum, right?" Steve just nods at my question.

"Superfan." Hope whispers into my ear. We open the gate and walk into the camp, looking around and being on guard just incase anything come out and tries to kill us. The sun eventually sets as we reach the exact coordinates that the computer gave up.

"Has the place changed much?" Nat asks Steve sarcastically as she walks next to Hope, Hope holding the tracker to the sky to get a better signal.

"A little." Steve says, standing still to look at something for a minute. I take the chance to catch up to them, all of them being goddamn speedwalkers. I pat his back, bringing him back to reality.

"Well, this is a dead end." Hope says, turning on her heel to look back at us. "Zero everything, no signatures, waves, or even radio waves. Not to mention this place looks haunted as hell." 

"Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off." Nat concludes, both of them looking around for anything. Steve looks at a certain place.

"What? Do you see something?" I ask, before he starts leading us towards a building. 

"Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place." Steve explains as we all follow him towards the building, Steve breaking the lock off with his shield to get us inside. We all head down a few stairs, Steve and Nat walking down together and me and Hope. We look around for anything, hopefully a light source. I flick a lever and the lights come on, first illuminating the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo, before all the other lights come on to show the rest of the room. There are desks everywhere, this having obviously been used as an office in the past... an office for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Hope says, confusion crossing her face as we all walk deeper into the room.

"Maybe where it started." Steve suggests. Steve opens up the door to go into another room completely, where pictures were hung on a wall. We all stood in front of the wall simply looking at them.

"And there's Stark's father." Nat says, looking at the middle photo.

"Howard." Steve corrects her, obviously having known him in the past.

"Who's the girl?" Nat asks him. I doubt that she doesn't know who Peggy Carter is... Steve doesn't say anything, he just moves on from the photos and deeper into the room. Me and Nat slowly follow them, but Hope says, grabbing one of the photos off the wall, taking the photo out of the frame and putting it into her pocket, before following us. Steve stops in front of a book shelf, obviously confused.

"If you're already working in a secret office-" Steve asks, before pulling the shelf back to reveal a door to another room. "-why do you need to hide the elevator?" We all cautiously walk into the hallway to the elevator, Hope handing Nat the device to figure out what the keycode is. But, before Nat even has a chance to figure out the code, Hope opens the door herself.

"Dissera portus." The doors to the elevator immedately open, the elevator dinging with the light on. We all slowly get inside the elevator.

"This isn't creepy at all."

The elevator doors open to reveal another room, all the lights off in this one as well. Hope is the first one to step out of the elevator, nothing scaring her dumbass. Steve slowly follows her, me and Nat being the last two out. Everything in the room is quiet except for our footsteps as we walk further away from the light the came from the elevator. The elevator doors slowly shut behind us, me being the only one that seemed to notice, except when the sound of them closing alerted everyone.  As we walked further into the room, we noticed that it wasn't pitch black at all. There was a green light admitting from grates on the floor, leading us to a platform with something on it. Before we reached the platform, the lights finally seemed to turn on, making me jump a little bit. I heard Hope snicker from in front of me, as I noticed all the old school computers lining the room. The object on the platform was a giant computer, with a line of old school things behind it. We slowly step onto the platform, all of us looking around. 

"This can't be the data point. The technology is ancient." Nat says, walking ahead of all of us and towards the giant computer. 

"Not all of it..." I say, noticing a portable USB hub. I put my hand out towards Nat, Nat handing me the flashdrive. I take a deep breath before putting it into one of the slots... or at least trying to. I don't put it in the right way so I have to try again, this time finally getting it in correctly. The computer seems to start up when I do that, even more lights coming on and the old computers starting to move, revealing just how big the room is. An electronic voice comes from the computer.

"Initate system?" It asks us. Hope steps forward to the keyboard.

"No way in hell." Hope says, even though she typed "yes" into the computer.

"Shall we play a game?" Nat asks Steve, smiling at him. I let out a laugh. "It's from a movie that was really..."

"I know, I saw it." The computer eventually starts to form a face with green lines, the computer knowing all of our names.

"Rogers, Steven, born 1918. Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna, born 1984. Stilinski, Mieczyslaw, born 1994. Mikaelson, Hope Andrea, born 1996."

"It's some kind of recording." Nat suggests.

"I am not a recording, Fraeulein. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945. But I am." On a monitor next to the main one, an old photo comes up.

"You know whatever the hell this thing is?" I ask Steve. Steve starts to look around.

"Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years."

"First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive."

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