A "Normal" Life Was Never Meant For Us

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|| Hope's Point of View ||

I sit in the classroom, after hours, finishing my painting up. The teacher is sitting at his desk and occasionally glancing at me.

"You do know you can go home and finish this there, right?"

"I know... And to tell you the same thing again, you can go home. I want to finish this." I reply, adding more details to my painting, not even glancing at the teacher.

"I need to lock up, Hope."

"I can do that too. Leave me the keys." I finally look up and smile at him, before going back and consentrating on my painting. I hear a sigh, and a few foot steps before keys gets set on the table by me.

"I'm only trusting you because of your past as a... you know... goverment agent. Make sure to lock it." He repeats, taking a few minutes to pack his bags, before leaving.

"I'm a lot more then a government agent, but whatever." I whisper to myself, taking out my phone and putting on music. I hum along for a while, an hour going by of me just painting.


I quickly wip around, seeing a water cup on the ground, water pooled around it. I slowly sit down my paint brush, standing up and walking towards the cup.

Slow steps.

Look around, make sure no one is here to kill you.

I lean down and pick up the cup, hearing someone who is obviously trying to be quiet walk up behind me. I smile, shaking me head, before turning around and dodging someones punch. He groans at he hits the wall that was behind me. I start laughing, walking back over to my painting.

"Nice try, Stiles. Maybe next time you'll actually be able to sneak up on me." I pick up my paint brush and start painting again.

"Haha, you think you're funny." Stiles grumbles, pulling up a stool from another easel and sitting next to me. "Anyway, I'm here with news."

"Well, don't keep me waiting. Spill."

Me and Stiles rush into the hospital, practically running through the halls and into the viewing area, watching as Fury gets operated on.

"What happened to him?" I ask Nat, who I step forward and stand next to.

"He was shoot." Is all she says, eyes never leaving Fury.

"Tell us about the shooter." Stiles says, moving to stand next to me, grabbing my hand.

"He's fast. Strong. Had a metal arm." Steve says, as I see Maria move up next to Stiles, out of the corner of my eye.

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