Before Yan Hui could react, she was suddenly hit from the side by a burst of magic. Yan Hui was instantly sent flying into the enormous tree, smashing a crater into the tree.

Dust and splinters burst out with a bang. Then Yan Hui and the debris slowly fell to the ground.

Yan Hui choked on the dust and coughed. Hot blood sprayed out.

Zhenren Qing Guang lightly walked towards Yan Hui. He arrogantly looked down at her: "If you came up yourself, then wouldn't you have spared yourself all this suffering?"

Tian Yao used all his strength to struggled at Qing Guang's words. His flames fought against the pressure against his head. However the results were still the same as before: a moment of resistance before once again being firmly pressed down.

Qing Guang switched his attention and glanced at Tian Yao: "As a demon, what use is being a millennium dragon demon if you don't have a neidan?" At the end of those words, the pressure on top of Tian Yao's head suddenly increased. There was a muffled sound. Some unknown bone in Tian Yao's body broke. He was ruthlessly pressed into the ground. Zhenren Qing Guang smiled: "You're just a snake under my hand."

It look Yan Hui an enormous amount of effort to lift her heavy eyes. She felt a swell of emotions upon seeing the sorry state Tian Yao was in.

She should have returned the neidan to Tian Yao. Tian Yao recovered his body, clearly regained his original appearance. If he had his neidan, then how would he be in his current sorry state, how would he be injured by Zhenren Qing Guang to this degree, completely without power to resist.........

Zhenren Qing Guang didn't pay any more attention to Tian Yao. He turned his head and glanced at Tian Yao: "Little girl, your expression seems completely unconvinced?"

Yan Hui looked down and said nothing. Qing Guang smiled: "You don't have to accept it. Your life was originally a stolen thing. If it wasn't for my disobedient disciple, Ling Xiao, not following orders, you would already be dead by now."

It was like Yan Hui's mind was illuminated in an instant.

What did that mean?

20 years ago, Ling Xiao......

Was Ling Xiao involved with the Tian Yao matter 20 years ago? What did Ling Xiao do 20 years ago to let her give her the unlikely chance to be here today?

There was no time give to let Yan Hui guess.

Magic gathered at Qing Guang's fingertips. His eyes looked like they were trying to see into Yan Hui's heart. Yan Hui just gritted her teeth, grabbed a handful of dirt, and flung it into Zhenren Qing Guang's eyes. Even though Zhenren Qing Guang used magic to block in the incoming dirt, he hesitated for a moment.

Yan Hui took that chance to sneak off to the side and leapt to Tian Yao's side. She unhesitatingly started to prepare to dig out her heart's neidan, wanting to return it to Tian Yao.

Tian Yao stared. Then he said in surprise and anger: "Stop!"

Zhenren Qing Guang was also shocked. He narrowed his eyes, and in a flash, he landed in front of Yan Hui. Yan Hui started circulating her magic to resist him. When Zhenren Qing Guang sensed Yan Hui's aura start to move, his face hardened. He raised his hand and broke her actions, not giving her the slightest bit of chance to resist. With a snap, he broke her arm. Yan Hui's arm dangled down with no strength. Qing Guang raised his hand and wrapped his fingers around her neck. Then he raised his arm until Yan Hui's feet no longer touched the ground. She powerlessly dangled there like a rag doll.

"You cultivated demon magic?" There was a subtleness in Qing Guang's tone. "Who taught you?"

Yan Hui didn't answer. Qing Guang's hand tightened.

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