"Yeah, I guess it does," Kim admitted. "I'm glad the invite was for Kim Burgess plus one. I'd have probably been on the way back to Chicago by now if you hadn't been here to keep me going."

"So you're good now, right? We're doing this?"

Kim smiled at him. "We're doing it. It'll be a cool pic to show Alex once he's old enough to understand, I guess. 'This is the day your mom met the President.' I'll keep that in mind when I have to smile. Hope he's doing okay."

Adam laughed. "Are you kidding me? He's with your folks. He'll be having the time of his life. Now, let's go and see if the car we were told to expect is here yet. For a VIP like my girl, it had better be."

She gave him a warning glance. "Don't start."

Laughing again, he led the way to the door.


Upon arriving at the White House, Kim had discovered that there were two other officers there to receive the same award. Both were men, and one was in a wheelchair after being shot in the back while on duty, she learned. The mention of being shot in the back and seeing how devastating it could be made her think of Zelina of course, who escaped her brush with death with minor consequences by comparison.

Seeing the poor guy there with his wife to push him around made Kim feel even worse about the award she was receiving. In her mind, there was no proof that her actions that night had saved a single life, let alone the dozens that some people wanted to credit her with. She had shot and killed two suspects that had needed shooting and killing, and that was that. She hadn't even been injured in the process, unless a cut on her cheek counted.

A staffer showed them through the White House to an office outside of the Oval. Kim found the building impressive of course, but not overly so, and she wasn't daunted by it. Pomp and circumstance meant little to her. She had noticed Adam looking around at everything though, enjoying the visit a lot more than she was. It would be over soon, she told herself.

Waiting outside the Oval Office was a bit of an experience she had to admit. Her dislike of the whole situation aside, she was about to enter the room where the most powerful person in the world worked, and meet that person. It was only human to find that daunting.

After nearly ten minutes went by, spent in a very awkward silence since everyone seemed to consider it inappropriate to talk, the Oval Office door opened and a smartly dressed man with white hair came out, closing the door behind him.

"Good morning. I'm Eric Bischoff, the President's Chief of Staff. The President is almost ready to see you now."

He went on to explain the procedure that was about to take place, and how to address the commander-in-chief. The procedure was different to what Kim had expected. As far as she knew, in the past the person who was being awarded walked into the Oval, shook hands with the President, received their medal, exchanged a few words, had a picture taken, and got the hell out of there. But apparently the current President wanted more than that.

"You're going to talk for a few minutes," was how Bischoff put it.

Great, Kim said, feeling her hands make fists behind her back for a second as she politely stood to attention. Maybe they could have her record a campaign message for re-election too? That was about the only way things could get any worse.

"I'll check if the President is ready," Bischoff said before disappearing through the door.

Kim was able to sneak a look at Adam that probably conveyed a message like 'I want to die'. In response, he gave her a look that offered reassurance that she could get through it.

The door opened again, and Bischoff came back out. "We'll start with Officer Kimberly Burgess," he said, looking at Kim, for she was the only woman in uniform.

Kim took a deep breath, telling herself that going first was better than going last - at least she didn't have to stand around waiting any longer. She didn't like the way her stomach suddenly knotted up though. Now that the moment was at hand, meeting the President was making her very nervous – not a feeling that she was accustomed to. Whether she liked it or not, it was time to go through with it. She walked towards the door to the Oval, putting a professionally pleasant look on her face.


A/N: Okay, so I kind of swerved you guys a bit when I said there was a seventh book in the planning stage, in that it's only a two part short story. But don't worry, there is also an eighth book coming, which will be back to the style of the first six books – a full story featuring all of the characters.

I did have some requested to tell the story of Kim's visit to the White House, so I decided to do it. How do you think her meeting with the President will go?

Keeping It in the Family (Linstead)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz