Prologue: Crunch. (Felix POV)

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(TW: depictions of blood/gore, mental instability, suicidal thoughts)

      Felix gasped awake. His head was pounding, racing with thoughts and blood. His mind grasped desperately at fading memories, trying to remember what happened. Bright lights... swerving off the road... screaming... and the sound of metal crunching.
     His hands tentatively searched the dashboard before they found his glasses. He put them on, shaking as he did so. They were cracked, chips falling from them. They would work for now.
     Blood dripped from a tender wound on his forehead, as well as from his nose. His leg hurt like hell, and it was twisted into a sickly, unnatural angle. His suit was torn and bled through in various places, bruises and cuts beneath them. He thought himself lucky to have survived.
     Then, it hit him. The kids. A sinking feeling was in his gut as he turned to look. It was awful. Glass and metal shards stuck deep. Necks snapped. Limbs torn off. Felix wanted to vomit.
     He struggled with the door and stumbled out of the car. He yelped in pain at the sudden pressure on his broken leg. He coughed, thoughts racing through his mind once more.
     "What am I gonna tell Jack? Oh, god..." Felix muttered to himself, limping to the back seats and wrenching the door open. Tears rolled down his cheek as he looked at the gory sight once more.
     "I can't... I can't let him see. If he saw what happened to them, he'd be... he'd be devastated. He'd never recover." He mumbled, dragging the small bodies out of the wreckage.
     His eyes darted around before landing on a patch of earth, softened and turned up by the car that had dragged across it. He stumbled over to his trunk, grabbing a shovel out of a mix of various tools. He began to dig into the soft ground, eventually forming two shallow pits. Good enough.
     He dragged the two kids over and dropped them into the holes, face up. Oh god, their faces. Molly's jaw was cracked open, leaving her mouth agape. Trapped in a permanent scream. Ed's face was twisted into an expression of horror.
     Felix couldn't stand to look at it any longer. He pushed the soil over the children. It was all his fault that this had happened. Just because he wanted a drink or two. Just because he had tried to drown his sorrows in alcohol.
     He glanced around before spotting it. Rocket. An animatronic doll he had made for the kids. His grey and white fur was stained with crimson, now. He picked it up, examining it for a moment before placing it between the graves.
     He looked around, spotting the road he had been driving on. How long was it since the crash? Nobody had bothered to see if they were okay. He limped in the direction of his house, following the road through the forest until finding himself by his backyard. He clambered over the fence and shuffled to his back door, pulling on it. It clicked open with ease. He had never made a habit of locking that door, had he?
     He walked into his home. He was exhausted and in pain. He sat down on his armchair, stripping off his jacket and loosening his tie. He thought for a moment. This was all his fault, it really was. He had done irreversible damage. He had always known he was a failure, but he didn't know he could fuck up this bad. Maybe... maybe he should take his life. An eye for an eye, eh? But he quickly decided against it. He would have to explain to Jack and Rosemary. He couldn't leave them wondering what had happened to their children.

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