Aurelia is seriously the most loving and caring toddler I have ever met and I'm not just saying that because of how close we are. She is genuinely the most concerned person when it comes to peoples feelings. She's the first one who always recognises when I'm in a bad mood and always tries to lighten it up.

"Ich hab dich lieb, weißt du das?" I say in German, which means "I love you, you know that right?". She just responds "Ich hab dich auch lieb (I love you too)".

"Everything okay here?" Zayn asks with a worried look on his face, as he sees Aurelias eyes, which are still red from crying.

"I just made a mistake and apologised to Callie." She says shyly. I try to lighten up the mood and say "I think the better question is if you are okay? You look like you just ran a marathon." Aurelia and I start to giggle.

"Yeah yeah, really funny. You know that little boy got some speed and I can't keep up with that." "What no never. You were the absolute fastest on the field this game" I say sarcastically. He just rolls his eyes but then begins to smile.

"I'll get fresh again and then see if your mom needs any help." He says, while giving Rel a kiss on her cheek. Her whole face goes red and Zayn just laughs and walks towards our house.


"Thank you Zayn for helping me. You really didn't have to do that" Mom says.

It's 30 minutes later and we're all sitting at the table outside in our garden. Zayn helped mom and the rest of us cleaned the messes we made in the garden.

"Of course, it was my pleasure. I actually learned quite a lot in that short amount of time, to be honest"

"That you were able to learn anything after the hours of learning with me is impressing" Zayn starts laughing. "Haven't studied for a few years so there's enough space up there" he shrugs, while pointing to his head.

Everyone laughs and mom asks if I'm prepared for my finals.

"I think I'm a few steps ahead of my schedule now since I studied a lot today and it finally worked to focus for a longer time. Don't think it would've worked that well without Zayn, he really annoyed me until I knew it 100 percent." Zayn just has a smirk on his face and gives a high-five to mom.

"Zayn, you're hired. Seems like your tutoring method works and usually she's so exhausted after studying but today it really seems like she enjoyed studying."

"Mom, I'm sitting right here!" I murmur. I hate when people talk about me as if I wasn't sitting right next to them.

"I'm just saying. You even admitted that you learned more with him than without him." Mom states. It's not like she's wrong, I just don't want to push Zayns ego too much.


"Callie even said that Zayn is a good person." Aurelia says.

"Is that so? When did she tell you that sunshine?" Zayn smirks.

"Just a few minutes ago when I apologised to her for basically ignoring her." She shrugs as if the things that she's saying aren't important at all.

He stops smirking for a second because of the second part of the sentence, then looks at me at smirks again just to turn to Aurelia again with a loving look on his face. He then waves his hand to signal her to come over to him, she sits on his lap and he starts to lean towards her one ear to whisper something to her. Since I sit right next to Zayn at the table, I was able to hear most of what he was saying.

"Sunshine, I have to admit, you're fascinating me. I never met a kid who's so caring and sensitive with peoples feelings. You're someone really special. Just like..." I wasn't able to understand the last sentence completely but I didn't wanna ask again, since that would've revealed that I understood the rest of it.

Milo and his friends are chilling on the other side of the table and are talking about whatever boys in their age talk about. Toys, cars, football, candy and just everything.

The rest of the dinner went pretty well, we talked about everything and anything. Zayn fits perfectly into the family somehow.

When we were done cleaning the table, mom decided to make herself, Zayn and myself a drink and now we're just chilling, watching Milo and Rel play together.

Meanwhile, dad came home from work.

"Good evening everyone, good evening my love. Seems like you've been enjoying the few hours of sunshine I see." He says, giving mom a kiss and smiling genuinely at her. "Darling you look absolutely amazing by the way" I hear him say close to her ear.

Zayns phone starts to ring and he looks at the message and directly shows it to me.

It was a message from Harry saying that he would invite him for ice cream if he'd come back. I guess, Zayns sudden disappearance made the boys worry about Zayn even if they're still mad at him and very confused because of what happened.

"Alright, it was a pleasure to be here. Thank you again for the amazing dinner and teaching me some stuff in the kitchen. I had an amazing day today but my boys are waiting for me back home, so I should get going" he explains and hugs my mom and gives my dad his hand.

Mom just has always been a very open person even when it comes to physical contact.

"I'll bring him to the door" I say, getting up from my seat as well.

When we're in front of the door,stepping into the front yard, he stops walking and gets right in front of me.

"You're parents are really in love with each other, aren't they?" He asks.

"Yeah,they always have been from day one. Whenever I feel like their feelings for each other can't grow, I'm proved wrong. They're the reason why I haven't given up on love yet." I say,answering his question.

He just nods and then says "Well thank you for today, I really enjoyed it and thank you for saving me from Louis and the boys. Don't know if I'd still be alive if you weren't there for the rescue. And to come back to the studying, I'd love to study until the finals are over. You don't need to do it on your own" Then he says goodbye, hugs me, laying with his chin on my head and then kisses my head quickly and leaves



wow okay, this is a short chapter but I needed to post something today, even if I'm going to a wedding.

I'm not just back from my break but today is a very very special day.

May 28th

One year ago, I posted my first chapter

Happy 1 year of halfpace!!

This is the 12. part I published in 12 months. I didn't think I would only be at the beginning of the story within a year but a lot has happened especially since the last time I updated in January.

I'm optimistic though to update more often now.

Thank you all for you support! I don't think I'd still be here writing this story if it wasn't for you guys.

Love you the absolute most and see you next time,


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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