Chapter 6

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Did I say that I'd update more regularly? Uhm well that didn't work out... but here we go, a new chapter!!


*not Callie's point of view*
•a few hours before the fire•

"You know exactly what we talked about yesterday and what you did wrong!" mom says. I know that she has a point but I planned something really special for my best friend and I don't wanna reschedule it. Usually she loves Faith so I don't understand why she's doing this to me right now.

Also, she knows about my plans and how much they mean to me. "I promise after today I'll stay in my room for the rest of my life, I just really wanna go on the adventure with Faith. You know how bad I've been wanting to do this. I know that what I did yesterday was wrong but I can't turn back time now." 

At this point I'm almost begging her. I don't want to cancel things for this afternoon. Whenever I'm with Faith, I feel like I can be myself. We're gonna be best friends till the day we die. At least that's what she says all of the time but I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be like that because we're literally inseparable.

"The adventure has got to wait. You messed up and you clearly didn't think about the consequences but you have to live with them now. You're not 3 anymore."  shes beginning to raise her voice and every time a person screams at me, I always start crying.


"Hey cupcake, don't cry. I'm sorry but I can't let her come today. Please just go to your room now, I'll give her mom a call that we have to rearrange it. I'll call you when lunch is ready." she waits for me to leave. I try my puppy eyes one last time but she just shakes her head and so I don't keep trying and go upstairs.

The tears just stream down my face but I don't even try to stop them. When am I gonna see her again? When am I gonna say I love you to her again?


*Callie's point of view*

"Never do that again, you hear me? You gave me a heart attack."

Guess who's here?

You're right, it's Kane.

I knew it would be bad to hang up on him the second that I did it but I was just in panic okay? But I didn't think he would drive here for 3 hours. I wanted to call him like this evening because my phone battery was at 0%.

Like he didn't even give me a chance. My phone battery just could've been like empty and he'd drive here to make sure I'm fine. Basically that's what he did.

I mean it's kinda cute and I appreciate him a lot, like a lot. I wouldn't be here if it wouldn't have been for him but sometimes it's just a little too much, you know?

Don't get me wrong please, but it feels like I have no air. I'm a fucking adult just like he is but he treats me like the broken 15 year old I once was.

"I'm fine, really. My phone just died, don't worry. I'm an adult just like you, I can survive on my own."

"Who was is in the background at the end? Is there a new dude who's trying to get into your pants-"

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