Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to the 3 friends that inspired me to start publishing the book! I love y'all em, gi and my little boo bear!

Anyways enjoy the new chapter!


There's a difference between feeling alone and being alone.

Being alone and enjoying it is one of the best things in the world. You can be yourself without worrying about what other people would think of you in this exact moment.

I think the difference that I'm trying to describe is the feeling that I get, whenever I'm at the library. Like I said, you're there to be in company while you're still alone and unbothered.

People being around you without paying attention to you makes you feel like you're not alone but you're still being alone. I hope that makes sense.

Feeling alone on the other side is one of the worst feelings to ever exist.


It's the unhappiness that is felt by someone that feels like they have no one. No one to care about them. No one to hold onto when needed. No one that feels like home.

I've never had that kind of person that felt like home to me. I once thought I did but certainly I was very wrong about that, so I'm a little more careful with trusting people than I was in the past.

I still kinda see the world as something magical.

The world is strong. It carries 7.9 billion people, while we only meet around 800.000 from the day that we're born until the day we die in average, so we only see about 1% of the whole population.

From those 800.000 people, we only get to know less than 1.000. And last but not least, we only truly trust a few with our whole life, mostly being able to count them off on one hand.

We separate the world into 7 continents, 195 countries and we speak roughly 6.500 languages.

Just as we separate the world, we separate people in groups. Speaking of putting people in groups, let's talk about one of the worlds largest problem: inequality.

The worlds richest 1% have more than twice as much wealth as 6.9 billion people.

On the other side, almost half of humanity is living on less than $5.50 a day.

258 million children, 1 out of every 5, will not be allowed to go to school, while you also have to add, that girls are often denied the right to education, which leads us to the next problem: discrimination between genders.

Men own 50% more of the worlds wealth than women, and the 22 richest men have more wealth than all the women in Africa. Fucking insane.

Then there is racism, homophobic asses and those are only a few problems that the world has to live with.

Let me tell you something I've thought about for the past month or the thing I always say, when I get asked, what I think of for example racism. I've read about it once in an article so I'll say exactly how it was written down, because I once used it for an assignment, so know it by heart.

We are born without prejudice.

Ask a baby if he hates any particular person and he will stare at you, blink occasionally and eventually (as is the norm for someone his age) burst into tears –not because of a profound distaste for the idea of hatred- but because of a need for food, security or toiletry. Babies are unique in viewing all humans as equal. They are the only humans who have yet to learn the complexity of social structures, race and other forms of social categorisation. To them we are all the same, and the idea of creating a hierarchy of people they meet has yet to cross their mind. Or, more accurately, has yet to be taught to them. Prejudice in its true form, only begins at age 3.

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